Florida Articles:
September 27th 2009
Giving teens a civic voice
The Fayetteville Observer

In January, North Carolina will become the third state to implement FairVote-endorsed youth preregistration.

September 26th 2009
Instant runoff voting (IRV) has come to the fore in Long Beach.

Letter to the editor: explains why Long Beach, FL would be better off with IRV rather than their current runoff system.

August 11th 2009
More Quitters (R-Fla., R-Tex.)
Washington Post

Washington Post editorial bemoans the fact that over a quarter of the nation is represented in the Senate by people that no one elected.

June 29th 2009
Register Everybody
Roll Call

Editorial declares that the U.S. government needs to start taking a more proactive approach to voter registration in order to live up to the standards that other countries have set.

June 28th 2009
Voting rights: Time for new thinking, not rehashed ideas
Sun Sentinel

Mr. Guy examines why new ideas and legislation are needed to ensure minority voting rights after the recent Supreme Court Ruling on Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.

May 21st 2009
Herbkersman, Richie: Time to run off runoffs
The State

Runoffs after primaries can mean big plunges in voter turnout. Rob Richie and SC State Rep. Bill Herbkersman explain how IRV can achieve both majority consensus and eliminate separate, expensive runoffs.

May 16th 2009
High schoolers get a lesson in voting
The Gainesville Sun

High school voter registration efforts have increased and improved in light of Florida's uniform voter registration age of 16 years-old.

May 14th 2009
Let's Make Every Vote Count
The Nation

Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of the Nation magazine, highlights FairVote's research in an important piece on the "broad support" growing in the states for the National Popular Vote plan to elect the president.

May 5th 2009
Larry R. Bradley and Rob Richie: To increase voter turnout, try a more efficient election process
Omaha World-Herald

Op-ed by author Larry Bradley and FairVote Executive Director Rob Richie on why Omaha should dump its low turnout primaries in favor of instant runoff voting.

April 19th 2009
Why not voters' education for teens?
The Knoxville News Sentinel

Jack McElroy makes the case for 16-year-old advance registration and civics ed classes for Tennessee youth.

April 19th 2009
Making the District More of a Democracy
The Washington Post

FairVote's Adam Fogel shows how Washington, DC can move toward the goal of universal voter registration before it receives a vote in Congress.

April 11th 2009
Reviving the Motor Voter Law
The New York Times

The New York Times Editorial Board urges the Justice Department to enforce "motor voter" and asks Congress to enact universal voter registration.

April 9th 2009
States Move to Create Culture of Voter Engagement through Preregistration
TPM Caf�

Project Vote's Erin Ferns highlights FairVote's effort to pass 16 and 17-year-old pre-registration bills in Rhode Island and California.

April 1st 2009
High school registrants keep voting drive alive
Florida Times-Union

Duval County Elections Supervisor Jerry Holland takes advantage of Florida's 16-year-old pre-registration policy by registering nearly half of eligible students during a three-day drive.

March 18th 2009
Still Broken
The New York Times

The New York Times Editorial Board endorses a range of election reforms, including universal voter registration and national standards for election administration.

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