Florida Articles:
September 6th 2007
A perpetual campaign
Rocky Mountain News

Another in the growing tidal wave of editorials backing reform to the presidential primary process.

September 5th 2007
Acting alone in presidential electoral reform is unwise
San Jose Mercury News

An editorial condemning the "naked politics masquerading as reform" in the effort to allocate California's electoral votes by congressional district.

September 2nd 2007
The Primary Problem
The New York Times

An editorial call to fix the primaries system, with a particular nod to the FairVote-backed American Plan.

September 2nd 2007
How to divvy up state's electoral votes?
San Diego Union Tribune

A primer on the rival methods of allocating electoral votes in California, featuring analysis from FairVote.

August 30th 2007
Stealing the 2008 Vote

If you thought Tom DeLay's Texas gerrymandering scam in 2003 was bad, just wait. Now partisans are seeking to steal the 2008 presidential election.

August 27th 2007
Americans Would Get Rid of Electoral College
Angus Reid Global Monitor

According to Rasmussen Reports, only 30% of Americans feel we should preserve the Electoral College. Historically the public has favored a national popular vote by margins of 70% - 80%.

August 26th 2007
Primary jockeying puts uncertainty in election landscape
San Diego Union Tribune

With the 2008 presidential election year just months away, states continue elbowing each other to get their primaries or caucuses closer to the front of the nomination line.

August 24th 2007
Christmas politics?
Bradenton Herald

A Florida paper adds to the growing choir of discontent over chaos of the presidential primary system.

August 24th 2007
Deformed Reform
Slate Magazine

Maryland state senator Jamie Raskin explains the partisan gamesmanship behind the proposed Electoral College "reform" of allocating votes by congressional district.

August 21st 2007
A critical reform in presidential elections
The Napa Valley Register

The author explains how the Electoral College allows a candidate to become president despite losing the nationwide popular vote. He argues that Congress has blocked past attempts to reform the system, but now National Popular Vote offers a way out.

August 20th 2007
In defense of 55 electoral votes
The San Francisco Chronicle

An editorial in the San Francisco Chronicle cites the bipartisan National Popular Vote effort, and its 364 sponsors in 47 states in contrast to the wrong-headed congressional district proposal being floated in California.

August 13th 2007
Will California alter '08 race?
Christian Science Monitor

The writer evaluates California Republicans' move to have the state's electoral votes awarded by district. He concludes that it is an unfair move that will benefit only Republicans, without correcting the flaws of the current system.

August 12th 2007
States Try to Alter How Presidents Are Elected
New York Times

NY Times article on the attempt by California and North Carolina to award their Electoral College votes by congressional district. It draws on FairVote's report on the issue to outline the flaws of this method.

August 11th 2007
Primary agenda should benefit the nation first
The Miami Herald

According to FairVote's Ryan O'Donnell, states must see both a collective and benefit to reform, and embrace real change on the national scale.

August 7th 2007
A Red Play for the Golden State

Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter explains how the proposal to award California's and North Carolina's electoral votes by congressional district are motivated by short-term political gain.

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