Florida Articles:
November 1st 2007
Fixing The Primary Scramble
National Journal

As part of National Journal's "Insider Interviews" series, Ryan O'Donnell talks about the primary scheduling debacle and what can be done to fix it.

October 25th 2007
IRV eliminates need for runoff elections
Pelican Press

Anthony Lorenzo, chair of the Florida-based Coalition for Instant Runoff Voting, explains in this letter to the editor how IRV can save money and reduce campaign negativity in Sarasota (FL).

October 22nd 2007
'Yes' on instant runoff voting
Herald Tribune

Local editorial on why instant runoff voting could be a good option for Sarasota (FL), and "deserves to be approved."

October 4th 2007
Over Before It is Done
LA City Beat

Columnist Andrew Gumbel shows support for the American Plan to repair our broken presidential primaries.

October 2nd 2007
Keep it simple with a national popular vote
The Politico

FairVote's executive director supports a national popular vote for president over allocating electors by congressional district.

October 1st 2007
Electoral College Reform?
Washington Lawyer

A thorough look at the ins and out of the Electoral College, featuring insight from FairVote chairman John Anderson in this cover story.

September 28th 2007
Let the most popular candidate win
Christian Science Monitor

FairVote's chairman explains why instant runoff voting improves our political discourse and does away with the "spoiler" label for independent candidacies. (Also appeared in publications such as the Chicago Sun Times and Raleigh News and Observer)

September 27th 2007
Restoring felons' rights slowed by bureaucracy
St. Petersburg Times

Nearly six months after Gov. Charlie Crist and the Cabinet made it easier for some felons to regain their civil rights, the system is choked by a backlog of more than one hundred thousand cases awaiting review.

September 26th 2007
Raucous system seems immune to change
San Francisco Chronicle

FairVote's Ryan O'Donnell and members of the Fix the Primaries coalition shed light on the "mess of a presidential nominating system."

September 21st 2007
Nation needs reliable system to ensure accurate rolls
The Buffalo News

Michael Caudell-Feagan of Pew Charitable Trusts' Make Voting Work program writes about the need for universal voter registration.

September 20th 2007
Voting Rights Advocates Challenge Florida Registration Law in Federal Court
The Brennan Center for Justice

The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law reports that Florida's new "no match, no vote" law could disenfranchise tens of thousands of eligible citizens from registering and voting in the 2008 elections.

September 20th 2007
Bill would make every vote count
The Berkshire Eagle

The largest paper in Western Massachusetts reports on successful hearings on Beacon Hill for the National Popular Vote bill.

September 19th 2007
The manipulators are ready to tilt the next election
Seattle Times

Why Washington's Legislature should consider joining Maryland in the National Popular Vote compact and "respect the choice of the people in 2008."

September 13th 2007
Failing Electoral College
The Nation

FairVote executive director Rob Richie explains how the National Popular Vote plan is the solution to the gross inequalities of the Electoral College system.

September 6th 2007
Proposed reform of Electoral College wouldn't make voting any more fair
San Jose Mercury News

FairVote executive director Rob Richie skewers the congressional district system for awarding electoral votes.

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