Florida Articles:
August 1st 2004
Five districts or One Sumter?
Leesburg Daily Commercial (FL)

This article weighs the relative merits of cumulative voting for use in Florida county elections, including supportive commentary from academics.

July 20th 2004
Florida's Ex-Convicts Seek Right To Vote
Chicago Tribune

July 15th 2004
Florida Faces Vote Chaos in 2004, Commission Hears

July 10th 2004
Officials Say Election Questions Under Control
The Tampa Tribune

June 7th 2004
Delay, Purge Hit Voter Rolls
Tampa Bay Tribune

May 27th 2004
Spoilers are so pass�
Miami New Times

The spoiler effect and minority rule can only be dealt with if the U.S. begins to adopt the system of instant runoff voting.

January 2nd 2004
Runoff Vote System Makes Good Sense
The News-Press (FL)

Southwest Florida should consider a new system for counting votes that could eliminate runoffs and just possibly encourage a better brand of politics

June 10th 2003
Preserve voters' choice
Palm Beach Post

June 8th 2003
Understanding the instant runoff

Tallahasse decides to go without runoff primaries due to the time needed to count all the votes. Op-Ed recommends using instant runoff voting.

June 6th 2003
Rewriting Florida election laws and hoping the jokes stop
Daytona Beach News-Journal

Op-Ed recommends that Florida adopt instant runoff voting. Purports that the main objections against this system are that it is inconvenient, and that it's too complicated for voters to understand.

March 30th 2003
Lessons in Voting From the French

Op-Ed advocates instant runoff voting, citing France's presidential runoff election fiasco between Jacques Chirac and Jean-Marie Le Pen as an example.

February 16th 2003
Primary runoffs may come back
Florida News Outlet

Florida legislators debate instant runoff voting but worry of the confusion it may cause.

December 18th 2002
The case for runoffs
St. Petersburg Times

This editorial extols the potential of instant runoff voting (IRV) to take over the function of the suspended runoff elections in Florida and ensure majorian victories and moderate candidates.

December 18th 2002
The case for runoffs
St. Petersburg Times

December 14th 2002
Let voters express will through instant runoffs
Palm Beach Post

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