Proportional Voting Around the World
Around the world, a variety of voting systems are used - from single member districts to choice voting to party list systems (and everything in between) - the nations within our global community display a staggering array of voting systems. In spite of this, one thing is clear -- the modern trend is toward using proportional voting systems, as most industrialized nations and all of the newly emerging democracies in the former Eastern Bloc have done, as well as in Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of the lingering winner-take-all, first-past-the-post systems exist in former British colonies, including in the United States. Ironically, even as we maintain our own unrepresentative electoral system in America, the United Kingdom is beginning vigorous discussions to move away from the very winner-take-all system it brought to our shores many years ago. In light of these global developments, FairVote monitors news coverage of international electoral systems changes.
  • For information on international electoral systems, please download IDEA's manual. [.pdf - 3.2 MB]
  • For examples of international ballot designs, please visit Andrew Reynold's site. [More]
  • For information on redistricting procedures around the world, please visit EPIC's site. [More]
  • Read our analysis of international elections using proportional voting in 2005. [More]

February 11th 2005
Afghan Poll Date Depends on Creating Voting Districts, UN Says

The electoral system of a single non-transferable vote is also being challenged by some political parties that favor more proportional representation, she said

February 11th 2005
A royal wedding ... oh, that deep sinking of the heart

Proportional representation comes from another part of the brain, less hierarchical, less certain, more consensual - but somehow "not the British way"

February 8th 2005
Isle of Man Today

That was how some experts in electoral reform described the Island's decade-long dalliance with proportional representation. Now

February 7th 2005
The new US century is over
China Daily

America 's antiquated winner-take-all electoral system has been abandoned by most other democracies for more inclusive versions of proportional representation.

February 6th 2005
Thai PM set for second term

Thaksin�s Thai Rak Thai party would win 329 of the 400 constituency seats and 70 of 100 seats available in a party list system of proportional representation

February 3rd 2005
IFA reforms structures and procedures
Irish Examiner

The Irish Farmers Association agreed to radically reform its structures and procedures at a marathon meeting in Dublin after significant compromises were reached on a number of key proposals.

January 31st 2005
The ballot box beats the coffin
Assyrian International News Agency

Turnout in Iraq's elections is higher than expected, although the vote was disrupted by violence in some areas.

January 21st 2005
Group advocates change in electing officials
Osceola News Gazette

Dr. Terri Fine advocates cumulative voting as the key to getting minoritites elected to office in Osceola Co, FL

January 21st 2005
Iraq Election: Wider Significance
Assyrian International News Agency

A balanced analysis of how the upcoming elections will affect the political stability of Iraq

January 18th 2005
Democratic Reform: Can political system stomach a makeover?
The Telegraph-Journal

January 17th 2005
Iraqis Discuss Voting, Or Not, in Elections Held Amidst Chaos
The New Standard

Discussion of who is likely to participate in the Iraqi elections and why.

January 17th 2005
Inside Politics: Front-runner Dean
Washington Times

Former presidential candidate Howard Dean appears to be the front-runner to become the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

January 13th 2005
The German Greens hit 25: a tale of two parties
Der Spiegel online (English version)

January 10th 2005
Recent elections drive redistricting reform:
California Aggie

Discussion of the issues leading to redistricting reform in California, and the potential benefits of a full representation system.

January 9th 2005
Consider alternate systems of voting
Sacramento Bee

How a commission to examine full representation systems in California elections would be a step beyond Governor Schwarzenegger's plans for redistricting reform.

January 5th 2005
Communist Party calls for single electoral district
The Daily Star

January 5th 2005
Election frenzy

January 3rd 2005
A nervous new year for Rhodri
Western Mail

January 1st 2005
Democracy at a Crossroads
The California Journal

Steven Hill writes an in-depth account of the various democracy reforms proposed and needed in California. He shows how a move to full representation would have a far greater impact on politics than the mooted redistricting reforms.

December 31st 2004
UDF wants president to control deputy
The Nation

December 27th 2004
Candidate calls for system of proportional representation
The Daily Star

December 24th 2004
Duma passes in first reading proportional representation bill

December 23rd 2004
NGOs propose election reforms in Sri Lanka

December 14th 2004
Minor parties hope to overcome odds and win big
Taiwan News

December 13th 2004
Why women hate politics
The New Statesman

December 11th 2004
Taiwan to elect new Legislative Yuan
The China Post

December 10th 2004
The changing face of democracy
CBC News

December 9th 2004
Political Connections: Greens, Liberals Drove Assembly to STV
The Georgia Straight

December 5th 2004
The $20,000 bargain to keep your seat
San Francisco Chronicle

Competitve elections will not be achieved through redistricting but by replacing the winner-take-all system with a proportional voting system

November 30th 2004
Election to reserved seats for women to be indirect
The Daily Star

November 29th 2004
Hugs, tears as assembly says farewell
The Vancouver Sun

November 26th 2004
The art of the possible
The Daily Star

November 26th 2004
Current electoral system needs review
Ancaster News

November 24th 2004
No small wins in supersizing
Calgary Sun

November 21st 2004
Facts about the Iraq vote
Reuters, United Kingdom

November 21st 2004
America: restoring democracy

It's time to modernize and democratize our elections; several reforms our open to us.

November 20th 2004
No More Sham Elections
New York Times

The New York Times looks at the lack of competition inherent in the U.S. congressional elections and quotes FairVote's Rob Richie on the seriousness of these problems.

November 19th 2004
Hamas demands new Palestinian election system
Haaretz International

November 18th 2004
Try choice voting
Davis Enterprise

A letter to the editor, from electoral reform proponent Chris Jerdonek, making the case for the use of choice voting in City Council elections in Davis, CA.

November 17th 2004
NEC: Allay, Don't Justify Fears
The Analyst

November 17th 2004
One, two, three - get ready for B.C.'s new way of voting
Victoria News

November 15th 2004
Ottawa may open debate on electoral reforms
The Globe and Mail

November 14th 2004
Proportional voting system phased out
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Cumulative voting could greatly benefit the black community in Pittsburgh.

November 4th 2004
Reforms, Freedom in Egypt
Assyrian International News Agency

October 28th 2004
Afghanistan: Experts Voice Concern Over 2005 Afghan Parliamentary Elections
Radio Free Europe

October 27th 2004
Democrat for a day, reformer for life

FairVote Chairman John Anderson discusses the 2004 election and the state of our electoral system. He proposes multimember district proportional representation and instant runoff voting as solutions to reinvigorate American democracy.

October 27th 2004
After the Election:
Metro Active

October 19th 2004
ASUCD Senators should educate student body, not change the system
California Aggie

UC Davis defeats a bill to repeal choice voting

September 14th 2004
Assembly opinions devastating for B.C.'s electoral system
The Vancouver Sun

September 8th 2004
Democracy commission to release report

August 29th 2004
Redistricting Carves out a Tight Race
Houston Chronicle

August 19th 2004
Professor's analysis: Cumulative voting OK
Amarillo Globe News

Only 1.3% of voters cast overvotes and 1.2% cast undervotes in May 2004 cumulative voting election in Amarillo.

August 15th 2004
To some, eccentric voting system offers much
The Boston Globe

This article highlighting the benefits of choice voting in Cambridge, Massachusetts, features CVD's general counsel, Dan Johnson-Weinberger.

August 10th 2004
Jordan's Rankings Unchanged in Human Development Report 2004
The Jordan Times

A UNDP report examining the progress on human development in Jordan cited proporational representation as an effective means of maintaining the cultural freedoms of migrant populations.

August 9th 2004
The Monday Interview: Iraq's elder statesman and potential president
The Independent

August 8th 2004
Q&A With Hendrik Hertzberg
Pioneer Press

Interview with Board Member Hendrik Hertzberg touching on PR.

August 4th 2004
Try it in Alberta
The Globe and Mail

August 4th 2004
More Power for Assembly Says Hain
BBC News

August 1st 2004
Five districts or One Sumter?
Leesburg Daily Commercial (FL)

This article weighs the relative merits of cumulative voting for use in Florida county elections, including supportive commentary from academics.

July 22nd 2004
Legco IPO Today
The Standard

July 21st 2004
Multiplying Mayors
Metro Active

This article examines why single-member districts are sometimes ineffective, Steven Hill explains the merits of a proportional representation system

July 20th 2004
A Peaceful Alternative for Iraq
Taipei Times

July 20th 2004
Women's Reserved JS Seats Challenged; HC Bench May Hear Petition Against 14th Amendment Today
The Daily Star

July 20th 2004
A Peaceful Alternative for Iraq
Taipei Times

July 18th 2004
Uri Party to Revise Election and Political Funding Laws
The Donga

July 15th 2004
Newman On-Line � The Big Double-Tick
The Scoop

July 10th 2004
The Whys and Wherefores of House of Councilors Elections
The Japan Times

July 10th 2004
New Zealand System a 'Qualified Success'
Toronto Star

July 10th 2004
Making It Count
The Toronto Star

July 9th 2004
5 Provinces Consider Voting Changes
The Globe and Mail

July 6th 2004
The Right Plan for Iraqi Voters
The Washington Post

July 2nd 2004
Proportional Representation Reflects Variety
Daily Star Online

July 2nd 2004
Launa Wins Poll
The National

June 30th 2004
Editorial: NDP to Play Key Role
Toronto Star

June 30th 2004
Putting a New Face on Voting
Toronto Star

If Canada would have used proportional voting in their recent elections, the makeup of the new House of Commons would have been different, though still divided.

June 30th 2004
Lucky Citizens
The Age

June 29th 2004
Three Parties Squeezed in First-Past-the-Post System Have Chance to Change It

June 29th 2004
NDP's Layton Ready to Play Central Role
Montreal Gazette

June 26th 2004
Birth of a Grassroots Transformation
The Scotsman

An analysis of the impact that the introduction of choice voting will have in Scotland.

June 26th 2004
Birth of a Grassroots Transformation
The Scotsman

June 24th 2004
PR Voting will Loosen Labour Hold on Local Authorities
The Scotsman

June 24th 2004
Proportional Representation Aids Democracy Proportional Representation Aids Democracy
The Globe and Mail

June 24th 2004
UK Elections: Gains for Smaller Parties

June 23rd 2004
Go-Ahead for New Election System
Glasgow Evening Times

June 23rd 2004
Reforming the Country's Electoral System
Daily Times of Nigeria

June 22nd 2004
Voters Support Election Reforms
The Herald

June 18th 2004
Launch of Lobby for More Powers
The Western Mail

June 18th 2004
PNG Electoral Official Hails Success of New Voting System
ABC Radio Australia

June 15th 2004
Joseph Muscat Gets Labour's First Seat
The Times of Malta

June 14th 2004
Conservatives Lose Their Place in the Sun
The Scotsman

June 13th 2004
Setback for Irish Ruling Party as Sinn Fein Vote Surges
Channel News Asia

June 13th 2004
Iraqis Set for Proportional Representation in Election
The Washington Times

June 12th 2004
Narrow Victory for Mayor Who Returned to the Fold
The Guardian

June 11th 2004
Get Involved in the Health of Your Community

June 10th 2004
Jamie wins poll: Beats close rival Wai 23,408 votes to 18,610
The National

June 10th 2004
'Proportional' Voting Favoured, Opposed
Whistler Question

Whistler Canada considering replacing current electoral system with PR.

June 6th 2004
Voting Intelligently
The Times of Malta

June 5th 2004
Iraq's Interim Prime Minister Vows to Reclaim Sovereignty
The New York Times

June 4th 2004
Pro-Business Farry to Slash Dunedin Red Tape
The National Business Review

June 4th 2004
Iraq forms election commission

Article on arrangements for Iraqi elections.

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