October 2nd 2005
Greens' upper house windfall
The Age

Proportional voting may help third parties win seats in Australia.

October 2nd 2005
Several states may change redistricting process
L.A. Times

Discussion of redistricting practices in California, Massachusetts and Florida. Mentions Tanner's bill.

October 2nd 2005
We cannot escape history but we can change it
St. Petersburg Times

Columnist Martin Dyckman takes on the failings of America's democracy, from the Electoral College to redistricting

October 1st 2005
Scottish Greens sowing the seeds for 2007 elections

Scottish Greens look forward to positive election results under Scottland's new system of proportional representation.

September 27th 2005
Helen Clark: Leadership for real!

Proportional voting in New Zealand helps more women get elected by creating a more flexible government based on give and take, open decision making.

September 27th 2005
Modest Change Seen Under Prop. 77
Los Angeles Times

FairVote's Rob Richie quoted in a news story about how redistricting might affect electoral competition.

September 26th 2005
Picking Favorites
Cincinatti CityBeat

Support is building for proportional voting for Cincinatti, OH.

September 26th 2005
Several States May Revisit Redistricting
Los Angeles Times

Rob Richie quoted in this article explaining how California voters are not the only ones who will decide whether to take the redrawing of political lines out of the hands of officeholders.

September 26th 2005
NGOCC to fight for more women representation
Zambia News Agency

Non-governmental Organisation Co-ordinating Committee says proportional voting would improve women's representation.

September 26th 2005
Center-Right Wins Poland Election

Article discussing recent Polish parliamentary election results, and the resurgence of the center-right parties.

September 26th 2005
Poles shift to right in voting for Parliament
International Herald Tribune

Article discussing the rightward shift in Polish politics demonstrated in exit-polls conducted during the parliamentary election.

September 25th 2005
Saturday Forum Targets Reform
The Eureka Reporter

Proportional voting would reduce negative campaigning and increase citizen participation in politics.

September 25th 2005
Local GOP breaks with governor to oppose redistricting
Auburn Journal

An article about the debate over a proposal that would give a panel of judges the responsibility of redistricting

September 25th 2005
Neesby's proposal for USAC seenate continues in new academic year
Daily Bruin

Article discussing proposal to bring choice voting to UCLA student government elections.

September 25th 2005
Push for USAC senate ongoing
Daily Bruin

UCLA considers proportional voting for its undergraduate student government.

September 23rd 2005
Female 'ninjas' steal Koizumi's limelight
Asia Times Online

Article discussing record number of women elected to the Japanese parliament, after recent proportional representation elections.

September 21st 2005
Electoral reforms delayed
Globe and Mail

Debate continues in Canada over electoral reform

September 21st 2005
Premier Addresses Electoral Reform
Robson Valley Times

Article discussing the upcoming 2008 binding referendum for choice voting in British Columbia.

September 21st 2005
New Zealand election stalemate exposes deep social divisions
Asian Tribune

Analysis of New Zealand's recent parliamentary elections using the Mixed Member form of proportional voting, as well as the political polarization revealed in the results.

September 21st 2005
The German Elections as a Victory for Democracy
Political Affairs

Commentary on fair representation and voter choice aspects of Germany's 2005 parliamentary elections.

September 19th 2005
Mixed Fortunes for Conservatives in Weekend Cliffhanger Elections
Cybercast News Service

New Zealand's recent elections using the Mixed Member form of Proportional Voting yielded a divided result with neither of the major parties obtaining a majority.

September 18th 2005
Official results from Germany elections
Seattle Post Intelligencer

Results of Germany's 2005 parliamentary elections, using the Additional Member form of proportional voting.

September 18th 2005
Double crossing
Cape Times

South Africa politics would be enhanced if constituents could choose their representation through proportional voting.

September 16th 2005
Must we wait a generation for democracy, here and at the UN?
Guardian Unlimited

Proportional voting would encourage higher voter turnout and broader civic participation in the UK.

September 16th 2005
Voting system fine as is, premier says
Whitehorse Daily Star

Citizens for Electoral Reform Yukon support "democratic renewal" in the Canadian Province.

September 14th 2005
Berlusconi backs new voting system

Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi endorses proportional voting to create a more stable government.

September 14th 2005
Clause that restricts voting of Japanese nationals abroad ruled unconstitutional
Mainichi Daily

Japanese Supreme Court rules that it is unconstitutional to prevent Japanese nationals living abroad to vote in only the proportional representation elections.

September 12th 2005
B.C. government promises second referendum on electoral reform

British Columbia government pledges to put choice voting in front of voters again in November 2008 elections.

September 12th 2005
B.C. government promises second referendum on electoral reform

The Canadian province of British Columbia will hold a second referendum on electoral reform to STV says Premier Gordon Campbell.

September 12th 2005
Facts and Figures About Afghanistan's Elections
Reuters AlertNet

Afghanistan goes to the polls on Sept. 18 to elect a lower house of parliament and councils in each of its 34 provinces. This articles discusses key facts and figures about the election design, including the use of the single non-transferable vote (a

September 8th 2005
Greens debate terror and Katrina
BBC News

UK Green Party conference highlights the need for electoral reform.

September 7th 2005
The Rule

Mary rnat asbout...

September 5th 2005
BPP ready to sign opposition accord
Daily News Online

Botswana Peoples Party President sites the need for electoral reform.

September 3rd 2005
AGI Online

Italy's Prime Minister announces the need to examine proportional representation.

September 2nd 2005
We still want BC-STV -- Reclaiming democracy
Common Ground Canada

Representative government and electoral reform is still needed to strengthen British Columbia's democracy.

September 2nd 2005
Lawmakers: President�s Proposals Will Lead to Constitutional Amendment

Debate ensues in South Korean elections as leaders suggest proportional voting to help reform its electoral system.

August 31st 2005
Political Change P.E.I.
Edmonton Sun

The province of Prince Edward Island will vote on adopting proportional representation this November.

August 31st 2005
Women's Appointments Cheer NGOCC

Women in South Africa are benefiting from electoral reform and proportional voting.

August 30th 2005
LDP puts 7 women at top of proportional representation lists
Japan Today

Women candidates head Japan's Liberal Democratic Party election lists.

August 29th 2005
Purple fingers in California
The Oakland Tribune

California call to arms against crooked gerrymandering

August 29th 2005
Another choice

FairVote Program Associate Mary Ryan discusses the need for choice voting to diversify Milwaukee politics.

August 28th 2005
Not everyone represented in America
Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Ryan O'Donnell is cited in this commentary tackling the American deficit of democracy, in light of Iraq's struggle with forming fair, working representation.

August 27th 2005
Election changes get look
The Herald Sun

Orange County Commissioners in North Carolina consider adopting proportional voting.

August 25th 2005
Kinnock makes case for reforms
The Herald

Former Labour Party leader in the UK speaks out on the need for proportional voting.

August 25th 2005
Residents back county board election change
The Herald-Sun

Orange County, North Carolina residents speak to the need for a change to proportional representation.

August 24th 2005
Defeating Pa. Incumbents Won't Be Easy
Chambersburg Public Opinion

FairVote is cited in this editorial that reveals how gerrymandering has stifled competitiveness of elections.

August 21st 2005
Electoral system breeds big spenders
The Phildelphia Inquirer

Article about how winner take all systems promote too much goverment spending

August 18th 2005
A soldier with no gun

Botswana chairwoman demands proportional voting to empower women.

August 16th 2005
Most Welsh MPs elected by less than a third of votes cast

Winner-take-all UK voting system is causing low voter turnout and candidates being elected by plurality and, in turn, fueling the demand for electoral reform.

August 16th 2005
SADC Works for 30 Percent Women Representation

Electoral Reform Technical Committee (ERTC) declares women should hold political power as a means of strengthening democracy and proportional representation in South Africa.

August 16th 2005
Jordan Islamists prepare reform proposal

Jordan Islamists declare election law be based on proportional representation.

August 13th 2005
Toward a two-party system
Japan Times

Proportional representation is creating a diverse, mature democracy in Japan.

August 4th 2005
Call for citizens' assembly on electoral system

UK citizens and activist groups demand the government establish a citizen's assembly to finally put proportional voting on the ballot.

July 31st 2005
Redistricting Reform: Road Map to Nowhere?
Sacramento Bee

The Greenlining Institute's Paul Turner and the New America Foundation's Steven Hill discuss the limitations of redistricting reform, as well as ways of improving it, such as through proportional voting in multimember districts.

July 28th 2005
Choice voting demo is a really sweet deal
The Davis Enterprise

Choice voting in Davis would improve elections and increases voter turnout.

July 27th 2005
Take a ballot - and a bow; The state has the nation's most active voters, a study finds.
The Star Tribune

Rob Hotakainen of Minnesota's Star Tribune cites FairVote's "Dubious Democracy 2005" report.

July 27th 2005
Minnesota tops in 'democracy index'
Minneapolis Star Tribune

FairVote's 'Dubious Democracy' report gains attention in Minnesota, the state with the most democratic House elections in 2004.

July 23rd 2005
Time to put an end to the gerrymander
San Antonio-Express News

Rep. John Tanner's Act is lauded as a solution to gerrymandering, specifically in Texas.

July 22nd 2005
Call for electoral reform pledges
Evening Standard

Reformists suggest Prime Minister Tony Blair should implement a referendum on proportional representation to fix the UK's flawed winner take all electoral system.

July 21st 2005
Reformers back bill on redistricting
Roll Call

Tanner's Redistricting bill gains support, slowly but surely.

July 20th 2005
Democracy of a Different Flavor
Fort Worth Weekly

Proportional voting would improve voter turnout and create a diverse government.

July 19th 2005
Electoral Reformers Pressing Ahead
The Williams Lake Tribune

Electoral reform movement in British Columbia showed the winner take all system is illegitimate and unfair.

July 18th 2005
Protest at women candidates ban
BBC News

Women in Pakistan demand full representation in elections.

July 6th 2005
Mauritian Women Seek More Representation

Proportional voting would improve women's representation.

July 4th 2005
Independence under winner-take-all

Progressive commentator calls winner-take-all elections the biggest barrier to independent politics.

July 1st 2005
Zambians Must Guard Against Doctoring of Draft Constitution, Urges Rev Ndhllov

Zimbabwe's constitution should recommend proportional voting as a lasting reform to increase diversity in government.

June 20th 2005
The fix is in on electoral reform
The Hill Times

Several commissions in Canada have recommended forms of full representation for electing legislatures.

June 19th 2005
PLC guarantees President Abbas four years in office
Palestine Media Center

A new electoral law providing for full representation was adopted in Palestine.

June 18th 2005
Proportional representation introduced to local councilors

The implementation of full representation to elect South Korea's local councilors next year will help ensure that more women are elected.

June 18th 2005
Palestinian MPs approve new electoral system
Times of Oman

A law allowing for half of parliamentary seats in Palestine to be allotted based on full representation was approved.

June 16th 2005
Aoun's Free Patriotic Movement sets out its program for reform
The Daily Star

The Free Patriotic Movement election agenda provides details on how it would reform Lebanon's electoral rules to include full representation.

June 16th 2005
Keeping MPPs honourable
The Ottawa Citizen

Ontario to assemble focus groups to look at questions of electoral reform, including full representation.

June 16th 2005
Islanders could be going to the polls on Nov. 28
Alaska Highway News

Prince Edward Island may adopt a full representation electoral system.

June 15th 2005
Redistricting plan would improve primary election system
Tacoma News Tribune

A full representation system in Washington would help the unrepresented and disenfranchised gain a voice in their government.

June 15th 2005
Let's rethink three-year parliaments
The New Zealand Herald

The adoption of full representation in New Zealand has brought stability, while still ensuring that no party is able to govern outright.

June 15th 2005
The proof: Vote reform will boost turnout
The Independent

Proportional voting systems increase voter turnout.

June 15th 2005
New powers for Welsh assembly, but no parliament
Guardian Unlimited

Full representation would bring improvements to the Welsh assembly.

June 15th 2005
How to make 'wasted votes' count
The Independent

Proportional voting would improve voter turnout and create more diversity in British government.

June 14th 2005
PLO says Israel failing to deal 'seriously' with withdrawal coordination
Palestinian News Agency

The PLO Executive Committee welcomes the trend toward adopting full representation for some elections on the national level.

June 14th 2005
Civil Committee calling for PLC elections before December
Palestine News Network

The Civil Committee for Elections Monitoring called for President Abbas to adopt a full representation system.

June 13th 2005
Suleiman Franjieh joins forces with Aoun
The Daily Star

Samir Franjeg, a candidate for parliament in Lebanon, called for the adoption of electoral laws based on full representation.

June 13th 2005
Keep on reforming

Campaign finance reform and independent commissions are good reforms, but don't address our elections system's most basic problem: lack of competition.

June 11th 2005
Abbas: legislative election possible after law approved
China News

Palestine likely to adopt a form of full representation.

June 10th 2005
The Palestinian election law and the PLC elections
Israel Hasbara Committee News

A discussion of the election postponement in Palestine, due partly to the transition toward full representation.

June 9th 2005
Abbas holds truce talks as Israeli court declares pullout legal

An agreement has been reached in Palestine, whereby half of MPs will be elected by constituencies and the other half by full representation.

June 9th 2005
Hot box for Campbell: Vote reform
The Tyee

Given the large support that choice voting received in British Columbia, electoral reform is likely to remain an issue.

June 7th 2005
Transition to PR system is inevitable - and it has begun
The Independent

A professor of the London School of Economics argues that the adoption of full representation in the UK will shortly occur.

June 7th 2005
Rights group blasts delay parliamentary elections
The Electronic Intifada

Palestinians to use full representation to elect some of the PLC members.

June 7th 2005
Shareholders square off with GM chief
Associated Press

Dissident shareholders nearly pass proposal for cumulative voting for elections of GM's Board of Directors.

June 6th 2005
Veteran Russian ecologists set up Green party
Gulf Times

Russia's threshold for electing members of parliament through full representation changed from 5 to 7 percent .

June 4th 2005
Lack of respect for MPs is blamed on first-past-the-post
The Independent

A full representation electoral system may improve voters' connection with their representatives.

June 4th 2005
Labour 'will lose councils' under new voting system

Choice voting to help make elections fairer in Scotland.

June 4th 2005
Abbas set to delay Palestinian vote
Times of Oman

The approval of using full representation to elect two-thirds of representatives in Palestine is pending.

June 3rd 2005
NCA to protest amendments
The Zimbabwe Independent

An amendment calling for the adoption of full representation is to be considered in Zimbabwe.

June 3rd 2005
Is the PLP government any different than the UBP�s?
Bermuda Sun

A full representation electoral system for Bermuda would be more democratic.

June 3rd 2005
Our jaded political system needs reform
The Independent

The adoption of full representation would improve the state of the UK's democracy.

June 3rd 2005
Fresh crisis as faiths group releases draft
The East African Standard

Adoption of full representation in Nairobi would broaden participation and make parties more accountable.

June 3rd 2005
MPs flock to join all-party campaign for electoral reform
The Independent

The movement for full representation continues in the United Kingdom.

June 2nd 2005
Labour 'will embrace vote reform within ten years'

Pressure for adoption of full representation in the UK will likely continue until reform finally occurs.

May 30th 2005
Ending the Gerrymander Wars
The New York Times

The New York Times endorses Representative Tanner's redistricting bill.

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