Reading List Recommendations

Note: This page is in process of being updated.

(*Books are listed alphabetically in order of publishing date, starting with the most recent.)

Halstead, Ted; Lind, Michael.  2001.  The Radical Center: The Future of American Politics, New York: Doubleday. [Excerpt]

Hartman, Chester.  2001.  Challenges to Equality: Poverty and Race in America, M.E. Sharpe.

Hill, Steven; Richie, Robert.  2001.  Whose Vote Counts?, New York: Beacon Press.

Jackson Jr., Jesse L.  2001.  A More Perfect Union: Advancing New American Rights, New York: Welcome Rain. [Excerpt]

Monmonier, Mark S.  2001.  Bushmanders and Bullwinkles: How Politicians Manipulate Electronic Maps and Census Data to Win Elections, University of Chicago Press. 

Rush, Mark E.; Engstrom, Richard L.  2001.  Fair and Effective Representation?: Debating Electoral Reform and Minority Rights, Rowman and Littlefield. 

Amy, Douglas.  2000.  Behind the Ballot Box: A Citizen’s Guide to Voting Systems, Praeger Publishing.

Barber, Kathleen.  2000.  A Right to Representation: Proportional Election Systems for the 21st Century, Ohio State University.

Keyssar, Alexander.  2000.  The Right to Vote: The Contested History of Democracy in the United States, Basic Books.

Powell Jr., G Bingham.  2000.  Elections as Instruments of Democracy, Yale University Press.

Shaun Bowler and Bernard Grofman.  2000.  Elections in Ausralia, Ireland, and Malta Under the Single Transferrable Vote: Reflections on an Embedded Institution, University of Michigan Press.

Zimmerman, Joseph F.; Rule, Wilma.  2000.  The U.S. House of Representatives: Reform or Rebuild?, Praeger Publishing.

Lijphart, Arend.  1999.  Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries, New Haven: Yale University Press. 

Milner, Henry.  1999.  Making Every Vote Count: Reassessing Canada’s Electoral System, Broadview Press.

Cole, K.C.  1998.  The Universe and the Teacup: The Mathematics of Truth and Beauty, Harcourt and Brace.

Farrell, David M.  1998.  Comparing Electoral Systems.  London: Macmillan.

Guinier, Lani.  1998.  Lift Every Voice: Turning a Civil Rights Setback Into a New Vision of Social Justice, Simon and Schuster.   

Jones, Mark P.  1997.  Electoral Laws and the Survival of Presidential Democracies, University of Notre Dame Press.Reynolds, Andrew.  1997.  The International IDEA Handbook of Electoral Systems Design, Broderna Carlssons Boktryckeri AB.

Smith, Sam.  1997.  Sam Smith’s Great American Political Repair Manual: How to Rebuild Our Country So the Politics Aren’t Broken and the Politicians Aren’t Fixed, W.W. Norton.

Ware, Alan.  1995.  Political Parties and Party Systems, London: Oxford University Press. 

Amy, Douglas.  1994.  Real Choices, New Voices: The Case for Proportional Representation in the United States, Columbia University Press.

Guinier, Lani.  1994.  The Tyranny of the Majority: Fundamental Fairness in Representative Democracy, Free Press.

Skillen, James.  1994.  Recharging the American Experiment: Principled Pluralism for Genuine Civic Community, Baker Books.  

Rule, Wilma.  1993.  United States Electoral Systems: Their Impact on Women and Minorities, Praeger Publishing. 

Taagepera, Rein.  1989.  Seats and Votes: The Effects and Determinants of Electoral Systems, Yale University Press.

[ See FairVote's archived Web page on recommended readings here. ]