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Help Us Improve Our Democracy!

Sign our Petition

Join others in expressing your dissent for the electoral college and your support for a majority direct election of the President of the United States!  Sign the petition here.

Lobby Congress

Read, print and mail our pre-drafted letter to Congress!  Just fill in the name of your Representative and your two Senators, mail in the letter, and help us revive our democracy!

Letter to a Representative

Letter to a Senator

Lobby your State Legislature

Send a letter, along with this drafted state resolution urging Congress to pass legislation abolishing the Electoral College.

Calling your Congressmen

If you decide to call your representative, understand that you might not be able to speak directly with him/her.  Most likely, you will speak with a staff member, such as a legislative aid.  However, these staff members have the ear of the representative, so take your time to fully explain your opinion on the subject.  Ask for the aid that works on electoral reforms, explain your position, and express your desire that the representative vote for electoral college reforms.

Remember you can also call back to find out how your representative voted or to follow up on the issue!

Letter to the Editor

We strongly encourage you to read your local papers daily and be prepared to respond to relevant topics.  Letters to the Editor should not exceed 200 words for smaller papers and should not exceed 150 words for bigger papers (i.e., The Washington Post).  Be very direct and concise, use tangible facts, and don't forget to include contact information!  Usually a paper will contact you for verbal confirmation before printing your letter.  You can send a letter via traditional mail or through the paper's online website.  Don't be afraid to express your opinion!

Meet Ups

A MeetUp is a local, community based meeting focused on a particular issue.  The frequency of the meetings can range from once a week to once a month and cover several topics.  You can join an already formed MeetUp in your area or start your very own!  Just go to and look for groups in your community.

Talk Radio

If you have a favorite talk radio show, such as NPR (National Public Radio), call in or email the host and share your ideas for a topic.  Bring up electoral college reform and request a hearty discussion on the issue on the air.  Remember that if you email them, leave contact information!

What's New

Electoral College Table of Contents

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Email us: [email protected]

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Copyright © 2003     The Center for Voting and Democracy
6930 Carroll Ave, Suite 610, Takoma Park MD 20912
(301) 270-4616      [email protected]