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State Legislature Resolution

Whereas the Electoral College gives disproportionate voting power to voters in some states over others,

Whereas the Electoral College is not guaranteed to reinforce popular will,

Whereas electors are uncontrollable as free agents which creates the potential for backroom deals,

Whereas the Electoral College reduces national elections to the outcomes of only a few state contests,

Whereas a small shift of votes in a single state can decide the Presidency in the event of close elections,

Whereas the original reasons for its inception have been alleviated by other means, and

Whereas direct election of our political leaders is well-tested and encourages candidate to seek votes from all citizens,


The people of the state of ____________, represented in senate and assembly, do propose as follows:

That the legislature of the state of ____________ urges the Congress of the United States of America to pass a Constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College and replace it with the direct election of the President of the United States of America.  In such a case that the Congress passes such an amendment, this state resolves to conduct floor votes within two years of Congressional passage.

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