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Letter to a Representative

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Dear Representative _____________,

I am writing you today as a constituent expressing my great frustration with the Electoral College system.  At best, the Electoral College is a basic degradation to our democracy and our values and was developed under circumstances that no longer exist today.

This system was established to overcome the educational and regional differences America faced in the late 18th century.  The original 13 states were scarcely populated and widely separated by a lack of communications and traveling technologies.  Therefore, individual voters were not expected to be able to make an informed choice about who should represent their interests nationally and their country abroad.  The Founders believed that they would rather be inclined to vote for a candidate from their state – the favorite son effect – instead of the one best suited to lead.  Accordingly, it was thought that elitists were better prepared to make an informed choice about who should be president. 

Moreover, slavery contributed a tremendous disenfranchised population to several states, mainly those in the south.  Not wanting to be overlooked, slave states argued for a way in which slaves could be counted as some part of their population without granting them the power of the vote.  Those states knew that their political clout would be reduced if they did not receive representation based on population.

Today, however, the Electoral College has failed to prevent many mistakes, and has instead turned into an archaic system of concession and compromise that is no longer appropriate for our country.  Under the current system, presidential candidates have no incentive to campaign nationally.  The Electoral College forces candidates to ignore most states and ignore the issues most important to those whom a President must lead.  It reinforces overrepresentation for less populated states, which already receive extra clout in the Senate.  The system also instills apprehension into those states that wish to change their winner-take-all arrangement because of fear of losing whatever extra power the Electoral College unfairly awards their state over others.  It drowns out millions of voters and their voices, reducing their concerns to inaudible levels if they are not speaking from swing states.

Every vote must count.  Every voice must be heard.  I want every American to have the same chance as I do to make a difference and have a say in our government.  We vote directly for every other office in our country, from Mayor to Governor to Congressman.  There is no longer any reason for the American people to be trusted with these offices but not the office of our nation’s leader. 

There is currently a proposal in the United States House of Representatives to abolish the Electoral College and replace it with a majority direct election of the President.  HJR 109, proposed by Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. proposes the following:

Section 1. The President and Vice President shall be elected jointly by the direct vote of the citizens of the United States, without regard to whether the citizens are residents of a State.

Section 2. The persons having the greatest number of votes for President and Vice President shall be elected, so long as such persons have a majority of the votes cast.

I want my democracy to thrive with the equal involvement of every citizen.  I want you to represent me, as a constituent, and support Electoral College reform, and HJR 109. This method of choosing our President is unfair for our state and bad for America.


Informed Citizen


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