October 4th 2009
Voter Turnaround
Daily News (Los Angeles)

Two letters to the editor cite IRV as the best way to bring higher turnout to Los Angeles elections.

September 28th 2009
Auditor trying to discredit ranked choice
The News Tribune

Letter to the editor: Washington Local believes that the Pierce County Elections Department's Auditor is wasting taxpayer money by not refusing to use ranked choice voting.

September 26th 2009
Instant runoff voting (IRV) has come to the fore in Long Beach.

Letter to the editor: explains why Long Beach, FL would be better off with IRV rather than their current runoff system.

June 9th 2009
IRV better than old runoffs
Aspen Times

FairVote's Terry Bouricius confronts critics who claim that IRV's non-monotonicity make it an unsatisfactory election system.

May 14th 2009
Cary's mistake
News and Observer

Letter to the Editor by Cary, NC resident Carol Everett expressing her disappointment in the Town Council's decision not to continue to participate in the state's instant runoff voting pilot.

March 13th 2009
Instant runoff elections
The Caledonian Record

Letter to the editor urging the expansion of instant runoff voting beyond Burlington to statewide elections in Vermont.

March 12th 2009
Instant runoff voting just makes sense
Des Moines Register

Letter to the Editor in the Des Moines Register defending instant runoff voting against anti-IRV Op-ed.

March 10th 2009
Letters to the Editor
Burlington Free Press

Letters to the Editor in the Burlington Free Press praising the city's recent instant runoff voting method.

February 24th 2009
For parties, the more the merrier
The City Paper

Letter to the Editor that appears in Nashville's The City Paper. Talks about how instant runoff voting would allow voters to vote for independents.

October 12th 2008
Let voters register on election day
Oregon Live

A Portland resident calls for instant runoff voting to end the spoiler problem.

September 6th 2008
Instant Runoff
Wichita Eagle

Wichita reformer's excellent model of straightforward letter on behalf of IRV

July 31st 2008
Ranked-choice voting
Kansas City Star

Letter to the Editor suggesting ranked choice voting as a solution to high-cost low-turnout runoff elections in Kansas.

June 11th 2008
Adopt instant runoff voting
Times-Standard - Eureka, CA

Letter calls for instant runoff voting in Humboldt County elections.

January 8th 2008
Instant runoff voting is a smart, money-saving idea
Duluth News Tribune

Letter to the editor supporting instant runoff voting in Duluth, MN.

January 4th 2008
We need instant runoff voting
Burlington Times-Argus

Letter to the editor advocating for the use of instant runoff voting for Vermont's U.S. House races.

December 21st 2007
Electoral Lessons From Australia
The Washington Post

Rob Richie's letter to the editor, highlighting benefits of Australia's instant runoff voting system, including greater voter choice and competitive elections.

November 14th 2007
Vote Third Party
The Ithica Journal

Columnist Joe Lonsky's explains why third parties are the fastest growing parties in the United States.

November 12th 2007
Primary election determines who the next representative will be
TC Palm

Independents need the right to vote in primary elections.

November 4th 2007
Yes on Referenda 2E
Aspen Times

Explanation of why one constituent is voting for the instant runoff voting system.

October 31st 2007
One round only

Hampstead (NC) resident Catherine Richie offers support for IRV in this letter to the editor.

October 25th 2007
IRV eliminates need for runoff elections
Pelican Press

Anthony Lorenzo, chair of the Florida-based Coalition for Instant Runoff Voting, explains in this letter to the editor how IRV can save money and reduce campaign negativity in Sarasota (FL).

July 26th 2007
Instant runoff voting
Kansas City Star

An activist from ReclaimDemocracy.org on the alternative to forcing voters to choose "the candidate they dislike the least."

July 5th 2007
Letter: Improve elections with rank system
New York Newsday

How IRV can alleviate a possible Bloomberg candidacy's "spoiler problem."

June 15th 2007
Make votes really count
The Los Angeles Times

Letter by Los Angeles elected official expresses interest in adopting IRV in her city.

May 21st 2007
An alternative voting system
Los Angeles Times

Letters support IRV in Los Angeles.

March 29th 2007
Instant runoff voting works
The Barre Times / Montpeiler Argus

President of the Vermont League of Women Voters weighs in on the need for IRV in Vermont.

January 26th 2007
Idea in progress
Portland (ME) Phoenix

State Representative calls for IRV in Maine.

January 1st 2007
The IRV Debate Continues
Whole Life Times

FairVote IRV America Director Ryan Griffin argues that IRV is the best option for improving single winner elections.

November 27th 2006
Time for instant runoff voting
St. Paul Pioneer Press

Citing the Minnesota governor's less-than-majority win in November 2006, a Pioneer Press reader asks that paper to consider instant runoff voting following endorsement of what ended up a "spoiler" candidacy.

November 18th 2006
Instant run-off
Courier Post

A Barnsborow (VA) resident thinks instant runoff voting would have eliminated spoilers early on, quickly producing a majority winner in the contentious U.S. Senate race there.

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