IRV in the News
September 28th 2009
Auditor trying to discredit ranked choice
The News Tribune

Letter to the editor: Washington Local believes that the Pierce County Elections Department's Auditor is wasting taxpayer money by not refusing to use ranked choice voting.

September 26th 2009
Instant runoff voting (IRV) has come to the fore in Long Beach.

Letter to the editor: explains why Long Beach, FL would be better off with IRV rather than their current runoff system.

September 17th 2009
Instant runoff election a model of transparency and verifiability
Aspen Times

Whether you like IRV or hate IRV, Aspen's election was a model of transparency and verifiability, and American elections would be improved if they incorporated elements of Aspen's election.

September 17th 2009
St. Paul needs IRV
Minnesota Daily

Editorial endorses ballot measure to bring instant runoff voting to St. Paul.

September 8th 2009
Chooser Illusion
Santa Fe Reporter

Santa Fe prepares to experiment with IRV, and local candidates see the value of a system that provides a legitimate mandate from the voters.

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