Nonpartisan Registration Organizations

ActiVote America

ActiVote America is a grassroots organization committed to a non-partisan approach that seeks to empower all citizens through education, information and voter registration, and to prompt the voters to go to the polls. ActiVote has partnered with colleges to register student voters, and has had a significant presence at major events throughout the U.S. where it has provided information and opportunities for voter registration. It has particularly reached out to the Hispanic population across the country.  

Advancement Project--

Advancement Project is a policy, communications and legal action group committed to racial justice, which aims at “inspiring and mobilizing a broad national racial justice movement to achieve universal opportunity and a just democracy!” Advancement Project partners with community organizations bringing them the tools of legal advocacy and strategic communications to dismantle structural exclusion. Among other activities, the Advancement Projects conducts voter registration initiatives.   

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now

ACORN is a grassroots community organization of low- and moderate-income people, committed to ensuring social and economic justice through direct action, negotiation, legislative advocacy and voter participation. ACORN’s mission is to helps those who have historically been locked out by powerful players in our democratic system. Since 2004, ACORN has helped more than 1.7 million low- and moderate-income and minority citizens apply to register to vote.  

Close up Foundation/ First Vote-

The Close Up Foundation informs, inspires, and empowers people to exercise the rights of citizens in a democracy. By building partnerships with the education community, the private and philanthropic sectors, and all branches and levels of government, they make civic participation a dynamic and meaningful experience. Its First Vote project conducts classroom-based voter registration programs for high school students, offering students an in-depth view of the democratic process, by interactive participation and trips to Washington DC.  

Declare Yourself

Declare Yourself is a campaign to encourage every eligible 18-year-old in America to register and vote in the presidential primaries and 2008 presidential election. Using the power of strategic media partnerships, celebrity spokespeople, and most importantly, mobile and Internet technology, Declare Yourself's campaign blankets the landscape of popular culture, as well as universities and high schools, with a simple, clear message: register and vote! 

Head Count --

Head Count is devoted to voter registration and participation in democracy through the power of music. The core belief behind HeadCount is that the live music community is a large, vibrant audience that has the potential to be politically influential if properly represented at the polls. HeadCount uses the assets of the music industry and the incredible influence artists have over their fans to mobilize this audience into action. Its registration drives target young concertgoers at America's largest live music events. This is supported by an aggressive multi-media strategy and artist-based communications.  

Hip-hop team vote --

Hip hop team vote is a project of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, a coalition of Hip-Hop artists, industry leaders, education advocates, civil rights proponents, and youth leaders, with initiatives aimed at engaging the Hip-Hop generation in community development issues related to equal access to education and literacy, freedom of speech, voter education, and other societal concerns fundamental to the empowerment of youth. It has launched a focused national campaign to mobilize the hip-hop generation of youth voters in 2008, using a variety of means to reach its target and maximize youth voter registration, including hip-hop radio stations, artists, recording industry street teams, web and pod casts, social networks, blogs and grass roots organizing. 

Just Vote -- is a citizen initiative that provides a fast and easy, painless way online to register to vote, engage voters to vote and empower them to encourage others. uses traditional and viral online marketing to engage the online community to register to vote and ultimately to vote. 

League of Women Voters

The League of Women Voters is nonpartisan grassroots political organization, that has fought since 1920 to improve U.S. systems of government and impact public policies through education and advocacy, working towards the goal of "making democracy work." It registers voters through its Vote411 website and local registration events. 


The NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization.  Its mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. Its local groups conduct voter registration campaigns designed to empower African Americans and people of color by increasing awareness and participation in the electoral process. 

The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation --

The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (NCBCP) is dedicated to increasing Black civic engagement and voter participation and addressing the disenfranchisement of African Americans and other marginalized communities. Its “Operation Big Vote” supports intensive civic education, registration and get-out-the-vote activities at a local level (providing training and technical assistance to local groups). 

National Low Income Housing Coalition-

The National Low Income Housing Coalition is dedicated solely to ending America's affordable housing crisis. It focuses its advocacy on those with the most serious housing problems, the lowest income households. Its 2008 Voterization project is an effort to engage traditionally underrepresented people in the civic process, by working with nonprofit housing organizations across the country and helping them launch registration campaigns (door-to-door registration, special registration events…), it seek to encourage greater numbers of low income and homeless people to vote in elections to come. 

Non Profit Voter Engagement Network --

NonProfit Voter Engagement Network initiative is dedicated to expanding the role of America’s nonprofits in voting and elections, notably by increasing the number of nonprofits integrating voter engagement activities into their on-going work. NVEN works with state nonprofit VOTE initiatives and its national website to provide resources and tools for nonprofits to help their communities participate and vote, notably through engaging voters where they gather to work, learn, advocate and receive services. 

Project Vote

Project Vote is a technical assistance and direct service provider to the civic participation community, on a broad continuum of key issues related to voter engagement and participation in low-income and minority communities. Project Vote methodology for registering voters is based on face-to-face contact between voters and trusted community messengers, generally a representative of a local community organization. It engages voters by connecting issues important to the voter’s daily life to the electoral process. In 2008, it allied with ACORN to undertake an aggressive voter registration campaign in 16 states. 

Rock the Vote --

Rock the Vote's mission is to engage and build the political power of young people in order to achieve progressive change in the U.S. They use music, popular culture and new technologies to engage and incite young people to register to vote in every election. They provide young people with the tools to identify, learn about, and take action on the issues that affect their lives, and leverage their power in the political process. 

Smackdown Your Vote--

A project of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), Smackdown Your Vote! is a partnership of organizations taking a non-partisan approach to getting young people involved in the political process and registered to vote. 


U.S. PIRG (the federation of state Public Interest Research Groups)’s mission is to take on the special interests on several issues, such as product safety, political corruption, prescription drugs and voting rights and to offer an independent voice that works on behalf of the public interest, thanks to a national network of researchers, advocates, organizers and students. Its New Voters Project aims to engage and inspire the young people by educating them about the voting process and, most importantly, aggressively registering young new voters from all walks of life.  

Vote 18 –

Vote 18 is a fun, fast-paced interactive game taught at high schools during one class period. It teaches students the history of voting, makes it relevant in their lives, and engages them in the world of politics. The goal of Vote 18 is to motivate students to register to vote when they turn eighteen, show them the value of their vote, and motivate them to stay politically engaged over the long term. 

Women’s Voices, Women Votes --

Women's Voices-Women Vote conducts a turnkey voter registration and get-out-the-vote program targeting unmarried women in 16 states. This program contains all of the elements to locate these women and speak to them about what matters to them. The turnkey program provides a user-friendly way to find them and contact them with research-tested messaging and materials. 

Ya es hora, ve y vota --

Ya es hora, ve y vota (“It’s time: Go vote!”) is a nonpartisan Latino voter registration campaign which began as a citizenship drive last year. Organizations participating in the campaign include ImpreMedia, the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), the Education Fund, My Family Votes, and the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO). The ya es hora campaign seeks to increase Latino civic participation by: 1) assisting eligible legal permanent residents apply for U.S. citizenship, and 2) educating, registering, and mobilizing Latinos to vote. The campaign strategy is to remove barriers that have prevented Latinos from becoming full participants in our U.S. democracy. 

Yalla Vote --

Yalla Vote, an initiative of the Arab American Institute, strives to empower and engage Arab Americans in the political process at all levels, grass roots to grass top. In 2008, the Yalla Vote campaign, “Our Voice. Our Future. Yalla Vote ’08,” is organizing Arab Americans across the country to vote for the candidates they feel will work to resolve the issues of concern to the Arab community, as outlined by the National Declaration. Throughout this campaign cycle, Yalla Vote ’08 initiatives will train Arab Americans to get out the vote, mobilize Arab Americans to vote, and provide forums for Arab Americans to speak to candidates about the issues that concern the community most. 

18 in 08-

18 in '08 started as a film, but has quickly become a national peer to peer effort to register, engage, and mobilize young voters for the 2008 election and beyond. The centerpiece of its efforts is ongoing screenings around the country featuring on-site voter registration and talkbacks with politicians, candidates, activists, students, and filmmakers. Its voter registration events and strategy also include web video, blogging and social network initiatives, and the Friends Ask Friends to Vote campaign.  
Recent Articles
October 19th 2009
Mandatory Voting? Automatic Registration? How Un-American!
Huffington Post

President of Air America Media, Mark Green, explains why Instant Runoff Voting, Automatic Registration and Mandatory Voting are not only important but could lead to a more democratic society.

September 30th 2009
Can a 17-year-old register to vote? It depends
Ventura County Star

"Most Californians register to vote not because a political cause has touched their heart, but rather because they checked a box on a form at the Department of Motor Vehicles when they received or renewed their driver�s license."

September 27th 2009
Giving teens a civic voice
The Fayetteville Observer

In January, North Carolina will become the third state to implement FairVote-endorsed youth preregistration.

September 8th 2009
Give voters final say on vacancies

The two legislators proposing a constitutional amendment mandating elections to fill Senate vacancies make their case in the pages of Politico.