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Rhode Island House and Senate pass 16-year-old Registration
Advance for FairVote's Innovative Registration Policy
A picture of young votersOn June 13, the Rhode Island House passed HB 8022 which would lower the voter registration age to 16. FairVote advocates universal voter registration, and sees this change as helpful for efforts to register all young adults as they become eligible to vote. FairVote's John Anderson and Rob Richie joined state legislators and a leading Secretary of State candidate in April in support of the measure.

Governor Carcieri vetoed the bill on July 12th citing concerns that adding 16-year-olds was not compatable with the HAVA-mandated statewide registration list. However, Hawaii has no difficulty registering 16-year-olds and complying with HAVA. Rhode Island should look carefully at Hawaii's system if Rep. Pacheco reintroduces this bill next session.

[ Text of Bill HB 8022 [pdf] ]
[ Guillaume De Ramel testimony on the Bill ]
[ FairVote's 100% Registration Project ]
[ Read John Anderson and Ray Martinez' New York Times op-ed ]

Rhode Island Advances FairVote Plan on Voter Registration
Bill Would Allow 16 and 17-year-olds to Pre-register to Vote
Rhode Island Rhode Island took an important step toward increasing youth voter registration with a bill to lower the voter registration age. FairVote's John Anderson and Rob Richie joined state legislators and a leading Secretary of State candidate on April 18th in Providence. If successful, Rhode Island would join Hawaii as the only states that allow all 16-year-olds to pre-register to vote. This lower registration age presents an opportunity for schools to expand voter registration activities. It also makes it easier for young people to register when they first get a driver license.

Antonio Gonzalez, President of the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, is among those supporting this effort.

[ Read the Bill (.pdf 6k) ]
[ Read coverage from the Providence Journal ]
[ Read Antonio Gonzalez' letter of support ]
[ Read John Anderson and Ray Martinez' New York Times op-ed ]
[ Learn more about the 100% Registration Project ]
[ Read Rob Richie's Speech at American University HAVA Conference ]

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October 16th 2007
After veto, voting registration bill may get second chance
Brown Daily Herald

Article covering FairVote RI efforts to obtain a veto override for 16-year old youth voter pre-registration legislation.

October 15th 2007
The push is on ahead of Assembly special session
Providence Journal Political Scene Blog

Projo blog covering push by legislators to include youth pre-registration bill in coming RI veto override session.

October 15th 2007
Are staff changes at AG's office a precursor?
The Providence Journal

Article discusses potential inclusion of FairVote RI-backed youth pre-registration bill in pending veto override session.

September 25th 2007
Advocates call for several veto overrides
The Providence Journal

The Rhode Island Legislature is expected to hold a special veto override session one day in October, which should include a 16-year-old advance-registration bill.

August 24th 2007
Deformed Reform
Slate Magazine

Maryland state senator Jamie Raskin explains the partisan gamesmanship behind the proposed Electoral College "reform" of allocating votes by congressional district.

July 2nd 2007
Connecting young people with democracy
Providence Journal

A call for Gov. Carcieri to welcome Rhode Island's young voters into the political process with a law allowing advance voter registration for 16 and 17-year olds.

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