FairVote RI

   145 Wayland Ave,
   Providence, RI 02906

   Phone: 401.429.6059

   Fax: 360.933.2456

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   Visit RhodeIslandSuffrage.org.



Advance Youth Voter Registration Fight Continues
Help Needed In Coming Months
What's Happening Now: Unfortunately, the General Assembly did not bring H 6215, advance voter registration for 16 and 17 year olds, up for a vote during last week's special session. Thanks to your calls, emails and conversations, we raised this bill's profile significantly. Bill sponsor, Rep. Pacheco, and other supporters lobbied tirelessly and persuasively for this bill, and we indeed came close. While we may not have won this round, with hard work we can pass this common-sense improvement early in the next session and avoid the late-veto trap.

The leadership has taken notice, and the bill's sponsors are ready to try again. Next year's session starts in two short months, which means we have that much time to increase the grassroots and legislative support for advance voter registration. Do you want to canvass, or spread the word about this bill in your school, student group, work, neighborhood or online social network? Just email [email protected].

More information will be posted as it develops, and again, thanks so much for your time, efforts and attention. In the meantime, we've produced a new policy briefing paper on Advance Registration in Rhode Island. [Download .pdf]

Archived Action Alert: Rhode Island is one step away from passing Youth Voter Pre-registration into law! H6215 would allow anyone to pre-register to vote when they turn 16 years old, and the registration would automatically become active when the youths became eligible to vote at age 18. Pre-registration doesn’t change the voting age; all it does is help young people get registered more effectively, and ultimately become lifelong voters. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Edwin Pacheco and handily passed 46-19 in the State House and 29-3 in the State Senate. Nevertheless, in June of this year, Governor Carcieri vetoed it.
Now, the legislature is planning on calling a special session to override some of Carcieri's vetoes, and we need your help to ensure youth voter pre-registration makes it into the agenda.

Please ask your state legislator to demand the leadership override the H6215 veto!
  • Find your RI Representative & Senator [HERE]
  • RI House of Representatives Email & Phone list [HERE]
  • RI House of Representives Postal list [HERE]
  • RI Senate Email & Phone list [HERE]
  • RI Senate Postal list [HERE]

Sample Call Script

(To follow some kind of find your legislator script)

-Hi, may I speak to Rep/Sen _____?

-My name is _____. I live in _____. Do you have a moment to talk?

-I’m calling about H6215, a bill that would let 16 year olds pre-register to vote. I want you to know that I support youth pre-registration because it would welcome young people into the civic process, helping our next generation become life-long voters and participants. Pre-registration could even make our voter rolls more accurate, by registering more people in structured environments like schools and the DMV. I’m proud that the General Assembly passed youth pre-registration, and I hope that you will make over-riding Governor Carcieri’s veto of HB 6215 a priority.

-Thank You!

Sample Message

-My name is _____. I live in _____. I’m calling about HB 6215, a bill that would let 16 year olds pre-register to vote. I want you to know that I support youth pre-registration because it would welcome young people into the civic process, helping our next generation become life-long voters and participants. Pre-registration could even make our voter rolls more accurate, by registering more people in structured environments like schools and the DMV. I’m proud that the General Assembly passed youth pre-registration, and I hope that you will make over-riding Governor Carcieri’s veto of HB 6215 a priority. Thank you!

Supporters of HB 6215 Include:
  • Clean Water Action RI
  • Association of Federal State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 94
  • Childhood Lead Action Project
  • Rhode Island Democracy for America (DFA)
  • The Family Life Center
  • Direct Action for Rights and Equality (DARE)
  • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 99
  • Ocean State Action
  • The Providence Youth Student Movement (PrYSM)
  • Rhode Island State Nurses Association (RISNA)
  • RI Public Interest Research Group (RIPIRG)
  • Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 615
  • Teamsters Union Local 251
  • United Food and Commercial (UFCW) Workers Local 328
  • Rhode Island United Service and Allied Workers (USAW)
  • Brown University Democracy Matters
  • National Education Association (NEA) RI
  • Brown University College Republicans
  • Youth In Action

Advance-Registration Victories Continue
Rhode Island a signature away for second straight year
In the latest FairVote-inspired legislative victory, the Rhode Island Legislature will send a bill to the governor allowing 16 and 17-year-olds to advance-register to vote.  This news follows Florida Governor Charlie Crist (R) signing a bill allowing 16-year-olds to register when they receive their state-issued driver's license. People who advance-register in both states will automatically be added to the voter rolls when they reach 18-years-old. The Florida bill also gives these young people an opportunity to work at the polls on Election Day.

These important reforms are another step in the right direction for increasing youth voter turnout. These bills advance FairVote's goal of giving all young citizens an opportunity to register to vote and learn the mechanics of participation, regardless of their parents' voting behavior or socioeconomic status.

Florida joins Hawaii in allowing 16-year-olds to advance-register to vote. Rhode Island’s legislature passed a similar bill in 2006, but it was brought down by a the governor's veto.

[Learn more about FairVote's 100% Registration Project]
[Learn more about Universal Voter Registration]
[Read the Florida article]

Rhode Island Voters Grant Right to Vote to Formerly Incarcerated Citizens
Historic Move is First in the Nation
Open CuffsThis November, Rhode Island voters approved Question 2 in a referendum, thereby which allowing formerly incarcerated citizens who are now on probation or parole to vote. This historic vote grants the right to vote to 15,000 Rhode Islanders and makes this the first instance in U.S. history that voters have opted to expand the franchise to formerly incarcerated residents.

[Coverage of Question 2]
[More on full voting rights]

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November 14th 2007
Mayor wants same size council with five at-large seats
Providence Journal

Article covering competing proposals to reform Providence, Rhode Island's city council elections. A proposal backed by FairVote RI for at-large seats using proportional representation is given serious consideration.

October 26th 2007
Fifteen and Six for Providence City Council
The Providence Journal

FairVote RI's Ari Savitzky writes that the current Providence (RI) municipal election system is outdated, and a form of proportional representation should be adopted.

October 19th 2007
City Council leans toward adding at-large seats

Article discussing FairVote RI-backed proposal to add at-large seats to the Providence, RI council - elected by choice voting.

October 16th 2007
After veto, voting registration bill may get second chance
Brown Daily Herald

Article covering FairVote RI efforts to obtain a veto override for 16-year old youth voter pre-registration legislation.

October 15th 2007
Are staff changes at AG's office a precursor?
The Providence Journal

Article discusses potential inclusion of FairVote RI-backed youth pre-registration bill in pending veto override session.

October 15th 2007
The push is on ahead of Assembly special session
Providence Journal Political Scene Blog

Projo blog covering push by legislators to include youth pre-registration bill in coming RI veto override session.

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