FairVote RI

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RI Senate Approves Major Democracy Reforms
National Popular Vote, Early Registration bills pass with veto-proof margins

On May 27th, the Rhode Island State Senate took two critical steps forward on FairVote RI's democracy reform agenda. The chamber approved both teen voter pre-registration and the National Popular Vote Compact.

Energetic support from Senator Rhoda Perry, who sponsored the pre-registration bill, and Senator Daniel Connors, who backed the National Popular Vote, meant both bills passed by wide margins. The advance registration bill, which passed the Senate last year 29-3, gained support on a 32-4 vote this week. 

NPV, in its first floorvote in Rhode Island, passed 27-10. Former US Senator Lincoln Chafee and Vermont State Representative Christopher Pearson also wrote letters of support for NPV.

The House has already passed Rep. Edwin Pacheco's pre-registration bill by a 51-11 margin; now, each chamber must pass the other chambers version before the bill is sent to the governor.

The National Popular Vote compact has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee. Now is the time to let House members know that you support making Rhode Island's voice count in presidential elections.

Pre-Registration Passes RI House with Big Margin, Bi-Partisan Support
FairVote RI reforms also getting new backing

On May 8th, the Rhode Island House of Representatives took a major step towards systemic youth engagement in democracy. Youth Voter Pre-Registration - H 7106, a bi-partisan reform sponsored by State Rep Edwin Pacheco - passed on the house floor on a vote of 51-11, picking up new support from members of both parties.

The bill now moves to the Senate Judiciary committee, where it will join a Senate companion bill - S 2081, sponsored by
State Sen Rhoda Perry - that is waiting for a vote after a successful hearing. The General Assembly passed this measure in 2006 and 2007, and last year's vote on the Senate floor was 29-3.

In other FairVote RI news, local political heavyweights are adding their support to FairVote-backed reforms.  RI Secretary of State Ralph Mollis recently wrote a letter in support of allowing eligible 17 year olds to vote in primary elections, and former US Senator Lincoln Chafee penned a letter to members of the Assembly on why he supports the National Popular Vote Plan.

Now is a great time to take action, by contacting your state senator about these key democracy reforms!

States Consider Youth Voting Rights Bills
FairVote Reforms Moving Across the Country
FairVote proposals expanding voting rights for young people are on the move. Two cornerstone policies of the 100% Registration Project, setting a uniform voter registration age and allowing 17-year-olds who will be 18 by the general election to vote in primaries, have been met with great enthusiasm by state legislators hoping to increase youth participation. Setting a uniform voter registration age of 16 will increase opportunities for young people to register to vote when applying for their driver's license and help schools conduct more successful voter registration drives. This year, California, Rhode Island and Maryland have introduced legislation that would standardize the registration age.

FairVote is also supporting legislative efforts in New Hampshire, Connecticut, Pennsylvania,and New Jersey to allow eligible 17-year-olds to vote in primary elections. Currently, 18 states or state parties allow 17-year-old primary voting, but since FairVote's success in helping restore voting rights to 17-year-olds in Maryland, a number of other states have explored expanding suffrage rights to these young people. The Connecticut legislature has passed the constitutional amendment and it will appear on the ballot in November.

[ Read about FairVote's 100% Registration Project ]
[ Read the uniform registration bills: California, Rhode Island, Maryland ]
[ Read the 17-year-old primary voting bills: New Hampshire, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey ]
[ Read more about Maryland youth voting rights ]
[ Read FairVote op-eds in the Maryland Gazette and the Concord Monitor ]
[ Read Executive Director Rob Richie's vision of 100% Registration ]

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May 14th 2008
Backing the popular vote
The Providence Journal

The national popular vote plan passes out of the RI Senate Judiciary committee

May 2nd 2008
Voting Rights Are Too Important to Leave to the States
The New York Times

The New York Times' Adam Cohen makes the case for federal intervention in regulating elections to ensure equal voting rights for all.

April 30th 2008
Majority Rule at Last
Washington Monthly

The Brennan Center's Michael Waldman lays out the case for the National Popular Vote Plan for electing the president.

April 16th 2008
Smith Hill mulls Senate succession
Providence Phoenix

A FairVote RI supported measure would ensure that vacant US Senate seats are filled by special election.

March 19th 2008
Bill aims to join popular vote compact
The Providence Journal

FairVote Rhode Island advances the National Popular Vote Plan in the Ocean State.

January 25th 2008
FairVote RI targets teen pre-registration
Providence Phoenix

Article covering range of activities by FairVote RI in support of youth voter pre-registration legislation in Rhode Island.

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