Contact your legislators

To call the Capitol Hill switchboard dial (202) 224-3121. You can also look up the local district phone number of your congressperson here.

United States House of Representatives contact information.

United States Senate contact information.

Here are some suggestions for your call:
  • Give your name and address and ask for a response.  If you don't give your address your comments are less likely to be forwarded. Explicitly requesting a response suggests you'll be unhappy if you don't hear back. 
  • Tell them that you're a constituent.  Remember that the staff person you are speaking to is, in effect, YOUR employee.  Be firm but also be polite and courteous.  Angry callers are much less likely to be taken seriously.
  • Be specific in what you want your representative to do. Instead of stating generally that you want your representative to vote for direct election, encourage him or her to support HJR 36 by signing on as a co-sponsor.  If you write a letter we encourage you to include the text of the bill.  For access to all bills visit
  • Do not demand to speak to your congressperson directly.  They are extremely busy and most likely not even in the office.  Instead, ask to speak to the staff member responsible for electoral reform issues.  This makes it more likely that you will speak to someone directly.
  • Whether you call or write a letter/e-mail, try to keep your comments brief. No matter how eloquent your argument is, it will be summarized when it is passed along.  Keep things short in order to ensure that the most important part of your message is not left out.  Making brief arguments will increase the likelihood that you will be noticed.
  • Let them know that you look forward to their response, and thank them for their time.  Make sure once again that they have your contact information.
For more talking points, see Concerns with the Electoral College and Reform Options.

Don’t underestimate the importance of contacting your legislators.  With your help this movement will continue growing - one living room, one phone call, one conversation at a time.  Every phone call puts this important issue higher on the political agenda.  

Thanks for doing your part!

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