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Demonstration Elections


Maryland Progressive Summit II: Attendees of the 2nd Maryland Progressive Summit voted in a mock election using IRV  to choose a Democratic presidential nominee for 2008.

NAACP Convention, 2004: CVD held an IRV demonstration election where voters were asked to decide on the most important issue in the 2004 presidential campaign.

Mobilizing America's Youth Event, 2004: CVD held an IRV demonstration election where participants voted to determine John Kerry's running mate.

Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) Convention, 2004: CVD runs a demonstration election using Instant Runoff Voting  to determine who should be John Kerry's VP running mate. 

Nation Button Contest, 2004CVD and The Nation Magazine ran an online IRV election to determine the '04 presidential campaign button slogan.  

Hip-Hop Convention, 2004: CVD conducts two IRV demonstration elections at the National Hip-Hop convention to determine the most influential Hip-Hop Artist, and to decide who should be John Kerry's VP running mate.

League of Women Voters Convention, 2004: CVD runs a demonstration election at the LWV convention to decide the most influential woman of our time.  Two separate ballot counts were conducted using Instant Runoff Voting and Choice Voting. 

Take Back America Conference, 2004: CVD runs a 3-day demonstration election using IRV to determine who should be John Kerry's VP running mate. 

In conjunction with Ferndale for IRV, The Mirror ran a demonstration election to showcase the IRV process and to exhibit the analysis of the results.

**To write up the analysis of your own IRV election, refer to our IRV Count Template.

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Copyright 2002     The Center for Voting and Democracy
6930 Carroll Ave. Suite 610, Takoma Park, MD 20912
(301) 270-4616        [email protected]