Nonpartisan Voter Protection Organizations
Advancement Project --

The Advancement Project addresses a bedrock racial justice issue: expanding the active electorate. Its work focuses on increasing democratic participation in low-income and minority communities by investigating obstacles to voter participation and providing mechanisms for removing those obstacles.

Its Voter Protection Program has a team of attorneys, on-the-ground Local Voter Protection Advocates, and communications specialists who can provide vital services, including legal analysis, advice, and trainings, to local voter protection coalitions and civic participation groups.

The core strategy of its voter protection efforts is to expose problems early in the election cycle, to address these difficulties prior to Election Day: developing processes for verifying that applicants are indeed placed on the voting rolls as well as means of investigating unsuccessful applications, seeking to ensure that election officials establish fair and effective election administration procedures (i.e. avoid purging practices appropriate training for poll workers, allocation of resources to election precincts, provisional ballots, etc.).  

Campaign Legal Center --

The Campaign Legal Center is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that works in the areas of campaign finance and elections, political communication and government ethics, offering analysis of these issues and representing the public interest in administrative, legislative and legal proceedings.

In the summer of 2008, it launched the Voters' Rights Protection Project, to provide generic drafts of potential court filings to individuals, organizations, and political parties who must resort to the courts to protect the fundamental rights of citizens to vote. The legal documents drafted by the Legal Center allow individuals, as well as advocacy groups, political parties, and candidates to obtain pre-election or Election Day relief for a host of problems, including extension of polling hours, insufficient ballots, and prevention of voter harassment or intimidation.

Election Protection --

Election Protection is the nation’s largest nonpartisan voter protection coalition, led by the Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights under Law and representing more than 100 organizations (including major civil rights organizations such as the NAACP, Rock the Vote, the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials and the National Congress of American Indians). This coalition was formed to ensure that all voters have an equal opportunity to participate in the political process.

It will undertake an extremely comprehensive effort to empower voters to make sure their vote counts this November 4. Through its 1-866-OUR-VOTE hotline (1-866-687-8683), website and dedicated team of legal experts and trained volunteers (more than 10,000), Election Protection helps all American voters, gain access to the polls and overcome obstacles to voting, offering live assistance, guidance, information and help. The live voter protection services are provided through Election Day for all 50 states.

Recent Articles
October 19th 2009
Mandatory Voting? Automatic Registration? How Un-American!
Huffington Post

President of Air America Media, Mark Green, explains why Instant Runoff Voting, Automatic Registration and Mandatory Voting are not only important but could lead to a more democratic society.

September 30th 2009
Can a 17-year-old register to vote? It depends
Ventura County Star

"Most Californians register to vote not because a political cause has touched their heart, but rather because they checked a box on a form at the Department of Motor Vehicles when they received or renewed their driver�s license."

September 27th 2009
Giving teens a civic voice
The Fayetteville Observer

In January, North Carolina will become the third state to implement FairVote-endorsed youth preregistration.

September 8th 2009
Give voters final say on vacancies

The two legislators proposing a constitutional amendment mandating elections to fill Senate vacancies make their case in the pages of Politico.