Majority rule and genuine voter choice are marks of a functioning democracy. To support voter choice in high turnout elections, we act to encourage understanding, adoption and effective implementation of instant runoff voting, a ranked choice voting system used in a growing number of American elections.

IRV and Ranked Voting: Undefeated in 2006
Big wins in Oakland, Davis, Minneapolis, Pierce County

IRV Wins!

IRV and ranked choice voting advocates celebrated on November 7th with big winning percentages of 69% in Oakland (CA), 65% in Minneapolis (MN), 56% in Davis (CA) and 53% in Pierce County (WA) - with the three binding votes to go to IRV averaging more than 62% in jurisdictions with an average of more than a half million people.

The wins in Davis and Minneapolis marked the first ballot measure wins for choice voting, the proportional voting version of IRV, in a half-century. Stay tuned for a full FairVote report on the victories and state and congressional elections that underscore the value of IRV in our politics. Since instant runoff voting's ground-breaking win in March 2002 in San Francisco, it has been on the ballot in eight cities and counties. The result? 8-0.

Stay tuned for more victories in 2007!

NEW: [New America's Steven Hill on the growing popularity of IRV nationwide]
NEW: [Minneapolis Star-Trib calls for statewide IRV by 2010]
NEW: [FairVote's campaign roundup with results]
[FairVote's IRVictory Fund]
[FairVote's post-election press release]

Editorial Sweep for IRV Campaigns
Each of Four Initiatives Goes To Voters With Major Endorsement

The November campaigns for instant runoff voting won another round of high-profile endorsements this week. Now, with the Oakland Tribune endorsing Measure O in that city, every single ballot initiative will go to voters on November 7 with the backing of at least one major regional paper.

Moreover the campaigns have generated three superb flash animations, all available on

Minneapolis (MN): Star-Tribune, Minnesota Daily
Oakland (CA): Oakland Tribune, Ming Pao Daily
Davis (CA): Sacramento Bee, California Aggie
Pierce Co. (WA): Tacoma News Tribune, Peninsula Gateway (NEW)

[ 2006 IRV Hot Spots ]
[ IRV Flash animations from FairVote, Pierce, Minneapolis ]

Georgetown Students Hold First IRV Election
Approved 10-to-1, System A Success

Georgetown University undergrads in an online vote on Friday, October 27 elected their student Senate using instant runoff voting. It was their first election with the new voting system - and a complete success.

Students ratified IRV two weeks earlier as part of a larger reform package that included expanding their assembly size from 12 to 23. With their adoption of the system, Hoyas joined a growing number of students at prestigious universities who guarantee majority winners in a single round of voting.

[Georgetown Hoya article on the election]
[Hoya article on the IRV referendum]
[Other Universities and groups using IRV]
[Bring IRV to your campus]

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Recent Articles
October 30th 2009
Don Fraser and George Latimer: The case for instant-runoff voting is clear
Star Tribune

Two former politicians tell St. Paul voters that IRV is "vitally important to us as citizens and as members of our communities."

October 29th 2009
Plurality voting rule is the real election spoiler
Baltimore Sun

In the midst of 3-way races in NJ and NY, FairVote board member and 1980 presidential candidate John Anderson makes the case for IRV over our flawed plurality system.

October 25th 2009
CHARTER AMENDMENT 3: County voters would lose power
The News Tribune

Amendment 3 to the Pierce county charter is an attempt by incumbent politicians to rig the system and prevent any serious challengers from competing. IRV is simply too fair and too democratic to not keep using in our electoral system.

October 22nd 2009
St. Paul should join IRV bandwagon
Star Tribune

Star Tribune stands behind IRV voting. They believe that if this system is used in St. Paul, it will show the state of Missouri that IRV can work and can better represent the voters in the state.