Pete Martineau
Pete Martineau has been a member of FairVote since 1993, and has been
an activist for proportional voting and instant runoff voting
nationally and in California since 1992. He is on the legislative
committees of AARP, the California Alliance for Retired Americans
(CARA) and the policy board of the Consumer Federation of California.
He is a director of Californians for Electoral Reform, one of the
strongest membership organization in the nation working for fair voting
systems. Among his reform achievements are persuading California AARP
to support the instant runoff voting ballot initiative in San Francisco
in 2002 and modify the national AARP policy book to include language
that full and fair representation be a criterion in any US electoral
reform efforts.Pete is a retired Air Force pilot and Vietnam combat veteran. In 1979, he retired from the Pentagon, where he was a financial manager, and went on to serve as a consultant in total quality management, engaging in training and lecturing nationwide.