Colleges and Universities Using Instant Runoff Voting for Student Government Elections
Arizona State University

Uses “preferential voting” to elect members of the Academic Assembly via e-mail.
Bates College
 Uses instant runoff voting to select RA Officers.
[Read Bates College Student Government Elections and Judiciary Committee Guidelines]
The California Institute of Technology

The Associated Students of the California Institute of Technology use IRV to elect their Vice-President (Board of Control Chairperson), the Board of Control Secretary and the Interhouse Committee Chairperson and the Conduct Review Committee Student Chairman. See Article VIII, Section 5 & 6 of the ASCIT Constitution here.

California State University at Chico

IRV has been adopted in 2005 by the college student government.Since then, the voter turnout has been increasing, the Spring 2008 elections reaching the highest turnout ever. [Read the Student Press Coverage]
[See Spring 2008 Election Results]

California Polytechnic State University

The California Polytechnic State University's ASI adopted IRV in 2007 for its Presidential ticket election. According to the ASI Bylaw, "The Presidential Election ballot shall include provisions necessary for Instant Runoff Voting such that in the event that no candidate receives a majority of the vote a winner will be determined based on the ranking of candidates by each Member at the duly held election."
[Spring 2008 Elections Results]
[The Mustang Daily Student Press Coverage]
[ASI Voter Guide - IRV-]
[Mustang Daily Article on IRV adoption]

Carleton College

Preferential voting is used at Carleton when more than two candidates are running for the following offices: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Committee on Student Life Co-Chair/Liaison, Intercampus Liaison, Admissions and Financial Aid Committee Liaison, and Education and Curriculum Committee Liaison. If no majority wins a seat, IRV is implemented.
[See the Spring 2008 Election Results]
[See Carleton College Bylaws, Article XVI, Section 3]

Claremont-McKenna College
 IRV is used to elect the President, Vice President, Social Affairs Council Chair, Dormitory Affairs Council Chair, Student Life Council Chair, and Class Presidents.
[Read the Associated Students of Claremont-McKenna College Constitutuion Article 2(f)(ii)]
Clark University

The Student Council at this Massachusetts university held its first instant runoff election for all student offices in 2003. One of Clark's lead organizers at the time, Zo Tobi, has been with FairVote on choice voting efforts in Davis, California.
[See CUSC Bylaw 201.]

Clemson University Clemson University's Undergraduate Student Senate uses IRV for its internal student senate officer elections. For the offices of Student Senate President, Pro Tempore, Secretary and Clerk, IRV will be used.*

College of William and Mary

The Student Assembly at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA approved IRV for student elections in 2002. Undergraduate class officers as well as the presidential ticket of the student assembly are elected through Instant Runoff Voting.
[See the Constitution of the Student Assembly, Article V.]

Columbia University

 Uses IRV for Student Council Elections, starting with the April 2009 elections.
[Read article on IRV in Columbia Spectator]

Community College of Baltimore County

 Used to elect the chair of the College Senate.
[Read the College Senate Bylaws]

Connecticut College

 Student Government Association uses instant runoff voting for all elections.
[Read Connecticut College Student Government Association Wiki]

Cornell University

Cornell University students use IRV to elect two Student-Elected Trustees who serve as full-voting members of Cornell University's Board of Trustees. IRV is referenced as "the Hare System" in all Cornell legal documents.
[See Spring 2008 Elections Results Here.]
[Read the Spring 2008 Student Elections Rules, Article 4]

Dartmouth College

Dartmouth’s Student Assembly holds IRV elections since 2005. The assembly has developed an online voting site within weeks of passing the by-law. Thus, the elections for Student Body President and Vice President are conducted through instant runoff voting.
[See Article XII, Section VII & VIII of the Constitution of the Dartmouth College Student Assembly.]
[Results of the SA 2006 Elections.]
[The Dartmouth's Coverage of Spring 2008 Elections.]

Duke University

Duke’s Student Government has been electing its six executive committee members through IRV since Fall 2004. Since then, IRV has been applied to all elections to make sure "the winner of all elections will be determined by a majority" as precised in the election bylaw number 6.
[Spring 2008 Election Results.]

Emory Law School
 Used for Student Bar Association elections.
[Read explanation of IRV on school's website]

Georgetown University

Georgetown University's Student Association voted in April 2006 to implement IRV for their presidential elections. In fall 2006 students approved IRV for student Senate elections by a margin of ten-to-one. They held a remarkably successful election that October over the Internet. They have used IRV for all student Senate elections since being adopted, except in 2009. Voted to restore it for the 2010 elections.
[Read the GUSA Constitution- Article II, Section 2]
[Read the Hoya Article about Spring 2008 IRV Elections.]

Harvard University

The Graduate Dormitory Council, the Graduate Music Forum and the Graduate Student Council each use IRV for their internal executive position elections.As for the President/Vice President of the Undergraduate Student Council, STV (Single Transferable Vote, also called "the hare proportional voting system") is used.
[See Bylaws of the Harvard Undergraduate Council, Article VII]

Hendrix College

Hendrix College used IRV for the first time during the 2003-04 academic year. Voter participation doubled and students said they were happy with the immediate results. The voting system (also called rank voting system) is currently used for all student association elections.
[See Artcle II, Section 5 of Hendrix College Election Code]

Humboldt State University

 Set to adopt instant runoff voting for student elections sometime in the near future.

Johns Hopkins University

JHU used instant runoff voting for the first time during its freshman student council elections in the fall of 1999.*

Lewis and ClarkCollege

Instant Runoff Voting and Choice Voting as defined in the article IV of the Associated Students' Bylaws have been adopted by this student government to "ensure that all ASLC elections are maximally representative and that each vote of an ASLC member counts." They are also defined as  "the most democratic methods for counting votes in ASLC elections". Thus, Instant Runoff Voting is used for single-seat elections and Choice Voting is used for multi-seat elections.
Lewis and Clark College has also developed a voter education campaign to familiarize voters with Instant Runoff Voting and Choice Voting before all elections.

Luther College

Luther College in Iowa adopted IRV in the Spring of 2003. At first, the Student Government used IRV only for electing the President, Vice-President and Secretary, but this will be expanded to include class representatives to the Student Senate.*

Macalester College

IRV was adopted in Spring 2003 at Macalester for the election of executive positions on the Student Council, and is now a part of the Student Government's Constitution (Article V). Use of IRV has expanded to become the preferred method of voting for all one-seat elections.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

MIT students use instant runoff voting for all of their student government elections including President, Vice-President, class councils and Student Senate. Its Web site includes detailed breakdowns of the transfer of votes within each election since 2000. [See the MIT Election Results and Archives.]

McMaster University

The McMaster Students Union uses IRV for presidential elections with more than two candidates.
[Browse McMaster Students Union Website]

North Carolina State University
In March 2008, North Carolina State University students used IRV (Instant Runoff Voting) and STV (Single Transferable Voting) for their elections for the first time. The Student Body President, the Student Senate President, the Student Body Treasurer, the Student Body Chief Justice, the Student Centers President, the Union Activities Board President, Senior Class Presidents and Leaders of the pack are elected through IRV. In the meantime, Student Senators, Student Centers Board of Directors and the Student Media Board are elected through STV.
The idea of changing the voting method for student elections came after Cary (NC) residents elected their mayor with the IRV system in October 2007. [Read the bill]
[See the Technician Online Coverage.]
[Spring 2008 Election Results.]
[See a Sample Ballot ]
Also, see the Technician's breakdown of how IRV works.

Pitzer College

 Began using IRV in to elect members of the Student Senate in 2009.
Portland State University

Portland State overwhelmingly approved of IRV for key Associated Students races 79 to 21 percent after the Student Senate unanimously passed the measure in Feb. 2005. All the major candidate slates supported IRV. In 2006, the first IRV election enabled three slates to run, and resulted in a 51 to 49 percent tally between the strongest slates. IRV is currently used for the President/VP ticket and the Student Fee Committee Chair.
[Read the Daily Vanguard Coverage of 2006 Elections.]
[See the Associated Students of Portland State University Constitution, Article VII.]

Princeton University

Princeton's Undergraduate Student Government uses single transferable voting for its Senatorial and U-Council elections since 2003. Executive officer positions are excluded from this voting rule. The Assembly also uses IRV for balloting by Assembly and parliamentary elections.
[See the USGPU Constitution, Article VII, Revised Dec. 2004.]

[Read Assembly Bylaws]
[Read article on 2008 Executive Senator election]

Rice University

The Rice Student Association uses IRV to elect its members of single offices. One of the school's most recent elections for President included six candidates and 11 rounds of voting.
[See the Rice SA Constitution - Bylaw E]

Reed College

The Reed Student Body Elections Code (as amended in April 2001) provides for IRV in its Presidential and Vice-Presidential elections.*

Santa Fe College

Santa Fe College was the first Community College (it recently became a College) in the U.S using IRV for its student elections. In March 2008, the Student Association President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer have been elected thanks to IRV. This first election has been a real success among the SFCC student community.
[See the Student Government Constitution, Article VI, Section 2]
[Student Press Coverage.]
[Read the Center for Student Leadership and Activities at SFCC's Report]

Shoreline Community College
 Uses instant runoff voting to elect the President, the Minister of Government, the Minister of Constitutional Affairs, the Minister of Communications, and the Chancellor of the United Club Council.
[Read Student Body Association Bylaws]
Sonoma State University

After the adoption of IRV in San Francisco's city council elections, the students of Sonoma State University decided to move to IRV themselves for general elections. Sonoma State elections using IRV started in the 2004-05 academic year.*

Stanford University

In 2001, the Associated Students of Stanford University adopted instant runoff voting for executive offices and class presidencies. Since then, Stanford has continued to avoid costly and inconvenient runoff elections.

[See the Spring 2008 Official Results]
[See the Election Results Archives]
[The Daily Stanford for Press Coverage of IRV.]
[The Spring 2008 Results in The Daily Stanford]
[Read an explanation of IRV by the Stanford Student Government]
[Read a commentary about the reasons Stanford uses instant runoff voting for its student elections.]

Tufts University

The Tufts student body approved a new constitution for the Tufts Community Union in 2003. IRV was included in the new version both for the presidential election, Senate in-house elections and TCUJ in-house elections.
[See the TCU Constitution, Article V, Revised April 2003.]
[See the Tufts Daily Coverage of Spring 2008 Elections]

University of California at Berkeley

The Associated Students of the University of California at Berkeley has used IRV (which they call the alternate vote) to elect its Executive Officers since 2002.
[See the ASUC Constitution, Title IV, Sections 15.3-15.4, Revised November 2008.]
[Read an Explanation of the Voting Process Here]

University of California at Davis

The Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates of the Associated Students of the University of California at Davis are elected together through IRV since 2005. The Senate is elected via Single Transferrable Vote.
[See the ASUCD Constitution, Revised June 2005.]
[See the Winter 2008 Detailed Election Results]
[Browse the Davis Citizens for Representation Website - Supporter of Choice Voting at UC Davis.]

University of California at Los Angeles

The Graduate Students Association's executive officers, including the President and Vice-Presidents on Internal, External and Academic Affairs, are elected through IRV since April 2006.
[Read the Graduate Students Association, Election Code, 9.7.5 ]
[The Daily Bruin Press Coverage.]
[Spring 2008 Election Coverage]

University of California Merced
 Uses IRV for election of Executive Officers.
University of California at San Diego

One of the most recent adoption of IRV. In March 2008, UCSD students used IRV for the first time to elect their President, Vice President, Academic Senators and College Senators.
[See the Standing Rules of the AS of UCSD]
[Press Release on the adoption of IRV]

University of California at Santa Barbara
 UC Santa Barbara use instant runoff voting for all executive offices.
[Read Sections 8 & 9 of The Associated Students' Legal Code]
University of Iowa

In March 2006, the President and the Vice President of the UI Student Government have been elected thanks to IRV for the first time. They ran under party tickets and platforms. Senators are also elected using this method- for humanies, fine arts, nursing, natural sciences, social sciences, business, education, and engineering (areas of study) and at-large senators get voted in this way as well. Since then, voter turnout has increased significantly. After the 2008 elections the Daily Iowan reports: "A record-setting 32.53 percent of eligible students voted in the UISG electronic runoff ballot, casting 6,357 votes".
[Read the Daily Iowan Article about IRV in U.S Universities]

University of Minnesota

In the 3rd amendment to its constitution, the University of Minnesota Student Association stated the President and Vice-President shall be elected using IRV.

University of Minnesota School of Physics and Astronomy
Uses a “secret ballot using instant runoff voting” to elect officers for its Grad Phi community.
University of Oklahoma

The University of Oklahoma Student Association (UOSA) held its first IRV election - a four-way race for president - in March 2005. The chief election administrator and all candidates described the online instant runoff election as a success.
[Read the Oklahoma Daily Article]

 University of Toledo
 Uses instant runoff voting for all Student Government Elections.
[Read Student Government Election Rules]
University of Virginia

The University Board of Elections, established in 2003, staged a mock 2004 U.S. presidential race using IRV. Pitting incumbent George W. Bush against a half-dozen challengers, the election resulted in a 3.2 percent margin of victory for senator John Kerry (D-MA).
IRV was brought in to U.Va. student elections in 2003. "After many irregularities during past elections, Student Council and the University conducted two investigations/reports to propose a solution to the problems seen in student elections over the past few years. The proposed solution was the creation of the University Board of Elections and one of the reforms proposed was the introduction of IRV to avoid future run off elections. The method selected (OPAV) matched most closely the system people said that they wanted. OPAV was then set as a part of the UBE on its creation and has continued in single candidate races ever since." explains Gavin Reddick, a U. Va. student.
[Read University Board of Elections, Rules and Regulations for more information about OPAV]

University of Washington

The Graduate Student Government at the University of Washington has adopted instant runoff voting for single-winner elections, and the Undergraduate Student Government recently decided to implement IRV in their campuswide elections.
[Read the University of Washington Senate Bylaws, Article IX, Section 1, D.1 ]
[Spring 2008 Elections Coverage by the Daily]
[The Daily Article on the Spring 2008 Results]

University of Wisconsin

The United Council of University of Wisconsin Students has adopted IRV to elect the president of its General Assembly, a body of about 150 representatives from schools across Wisconsin. The United Council is the nation's oldest, largest and strongest statewide student association, representing more than 145,000 students at 24 UW System Campuses.*

Vassar College

During Sept. 2002, the Vassar Student Association voted nearly unanimously to adopt instant runoff voting and the choice voting form of full representation for future student elections. In 2004, IRV and STV have been used for the first time to elect representatives for the freshman council, campus committees and the President. During the Spring 2008 student elections, all elections were held through IRV and STV (for the Judicial Board Representatives and Student Representatives).
[See the Spring 2008 Elections' Results]
[Read the 2004 Elections Coverage by The Miscellany News]
[See the Vassar Student Association Bylaws, Article VII, Section 8]

Western Washington University
 The Student Senate uses instant runoff voting to elect its Vice-Chair and Parliamentarian.
[Read Western Washington University Associated Student Bylaws 3.5 and 3.7.1]

Whitman College

The Associated Students of Whitman College use IRV for its single-seat elections (Executive Council Elections) and choice voting (aka STV) to elect its Student Senate. Choice Voting is also used for Student Senate special elections and in case of interim IRV can be used as well.
[See the Bylaws of the ASWC, Section 3, 4, 5, 6]
[Read an Whitman Pioneer article about Spring 2008 elections.]
[Read FAQ on Student Elections]

Williams College

 Uses IRV ballots through e-mail.

* We are seeking verification for current use.