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Help the Center and Fair Elections
With Your Vote!

The Center for Voting and Democracy is honored to be one of the fifty organizations selected by Working Assets for support in 2003.

If you are a customer of any Working Assets service, you can vote to allocate funds to the Center.  If you are not a customer, you can sign up for long distance, cell phone or credit card services or by making even a single purchase on the ShopForChange website.

You can then choose to allocate your vote equally among all 50 groups, or you can assign  your vote to specific groups.  

We ask you to consider giving all (or most) of your vote to the Center for Voting and Democracy, which is the fifth organization listed under Civil Rights.

To vote for the Center, go to the voting page and then:

  1. Check off all the services you have (long distance, credit card, etc.) and click on continue,
  2. Under "Select one," click on "Individual Groups,"
  3. Scroll down to "Civil Rights" and next to the Center for Voting and Democracy, type in the percent (100, we hope) of your vote that you want to allocate to CVD, click continue, and
  4. Type in your name, email and phone number and click on "Finish."

If you're a Working Assets customer, please consider making your vote count for fair elections!   

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The Center for Voting and Democracy
6930 Carroll Ave,  Suite 610, Takoma Park, MD 20912
(301) 270-4616        [email protected]