IRV Commentary
November 12th 2008
Senate race shows need for runoff system
Duluth News Tribune

Commentator aruges Minnesota should adopt either a two-round runoff system or an instant runoff system to solve the spoiler problem.

October 18th 2008
Steve Welzer responds
Green Party Watch

Green Party Candidate explains his support for instant runoff voting and proportional representation.

October 5th 2008
Topsy Turvy Week Shows Need For Fixing a Broken System
Op Ed News

The Editor of Op Ed News calls for instant runoff voting.

September 7th 2008
Instant Runoff Voting (IRV)

Very good example of outreach message on instant runoff voting.

August 27th 2008
IRV: beyond the top-two primary
Seattle Times

Commentary argues for instant runoff voting as an alternative to top-two primaries.

July 31st 2008
Why Aurora needs a mayoral primary
The Beacon News

Commentary urges Aurora (IL) to consider instant runoff voting.

July 2nd 2008
Blocking democracy in St. Paul elections
Minnesota Daily

This commentary on the Saint Paul City Council's attempt to prevent a ballot on IRV argues that the people's right to vote on the issue should be respected.

July 2nd 2008
Instant runoff voting offers cost savings and enhances democracy

A commentary by members of the Wake County Board of Elections in support of IRV for primaries in North Carolina.

July 2nd 2008
Instant Runoff Voting boosts voting power for communities of color
Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder

Commentary in favor of instant runoff voting by a state senator and Minneapolis city councilor

June 23rd 2008
The Groundhog Day Election in Los Angeles
California Progress Report

Commentary by New America Foundation's Gautam Dutta calls for IRV for Los Angeles

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