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Ballot Measure Wins in Massachusetts

November 2002

On November 5, 2002, voters in two Massachusetts legislative districts gave a strong endorsement to instant runoff voting (IRV) on election day. IRV ensures that in a race with three or more candidates, the winner has the support of the majority of voters. State supporters argued IRV solves the "spoiler" problem and encourages more people to vote.

The advisory question won 67% in the 1st Hampshire District and 71% in the 3rd Hampshire District. State Representatives Peter Kocot and Ellen Story both announced their backing for the measure, as did Kocot's opponent, Michael Aleo. Representative Story is re-filing a bill that would establish IRV elections to the six statewide constitutional offices, including governor.

IRV lets voters rank candidates in order of preference. On election day, Fairvote Massachusetts (the ballot-question committee behind the measure) conducted an exit poll in Amherst. According to the survey, most of Jill Stein's supporters in Amherst would have given their second preference votes to Democrat Shannon O'Brien. In a closer election, that trend could have elected O'Brien instead of Romney. In the hotly contested Democratic primary, O'Brien was the beneficiary of a plurality system that may have split a majority vote for one of her opponents.

Interest in IRV is growing rapidly in Masaschusetts. At a Town Meeting in Amherest on November 6, voters asked the Select Board to look at whether the system could work in future town elections. In a Hampshire Gazette news story, state Sen. Stanley Rosenberg said that he "fully expects instant runoff proponets to eventually mount a statewide ballot question on it." The Boston Phoenix, which endorsed the measures, reported that "Tuesdays vote won't make instant-runoff elections happen all by itself, but the fact that voters approved the Green-sponsored measure overwhelmingly (15,322 to 7007) in these Western Mass districts will surely make it a topic of discussion in the Bay State."

For more on Massachusetts IRV activism, see the webpage of FairVote Massachusetts.

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