Sample IRV Resolution from Western Washington University
WHEREAS it is in the interest of the ASWWU that the members of the Board of Directors have
the broadest possible base of support from students;
WHEREAS it is in the interests of the students of WWU that their elected representatives
represent a majority;
WHEREAS the ASWWU Election code currently states that a candidate need only receive 33%
of the votes cast to be elected to a position;
WHEREAS in several election cycles in the past, and including the 2008 elections for the
ASWWU Board, there have been more than two candidates running for individual positions;
WHEREAS campaigning for runoff elections requires additional time from those who are
running for office, arid from AS volunteers;
WHEREAS there have been eleven (11) runoff elections for the Board of Directors since 1985,
most recently in 2006;
WHEREAS Instant Runoff Voting solves the problems associated with lower turnout during
runoffs and the cost of runoffs;
WHEREAS turnout in those runoff elections has always been lower than in first-round elections,
and in the majority of cases the number of voters was reduced by several hundred students, or
about one third of those who voted in the first round of elections;
WHEREAS Instant Runoff Voting elections guarantee a single winner, in a single election, who
will receive a majority of the preferences;
WHEREAS the Associated Students of the University of Washington adoptedInstant Runoff
Voting during the 2008 election;
WHEREAS Instant Runoff elections promote civility and dialogue during an election cycle;
Makes a formal recommendation to the ASWWU BOD that the AS Election Code be amended to
include the process of Instant Runoff Voting.
That the AS Election Code be amended to require that a majority of cotes cast are needed for
election to any position in the AS.