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AccuPoll Announces Ability to Run Ranked-Choice Voting Elections


Following is an email communication from AccuPoll, a major new voting equipment company, that was sent to a number of voting system reformers.

April 28, 2004

We would like to express our thanks to those of you who inquired about
whether AccuPoll is developing a ranked-choice or IRV feature for our
electronic voting system. Some counties and municipalities have indicated
interest in such a feature, noting many of the same arguments presented by you and other activists.

AccuPoll is currently developing an IRV capability for our voting system.
We anticipate completion of and qualification for the feature by the first
quarter of 2005 and its availability to counties and municipalities shortly
thereafter. This option will be provided at no cost.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.


Geoff Mordock
[email protected]  

For additional information on AccuPoll and its recent success in gaining federal certification for its system, visit

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Copyright 2002     The Center for Voting and Democracy
6930 Carroll Ave. Suite 610, Takoma Park, MD 20912
(301) 270-4616        [email protected]