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IRV Activist Kit

Online version of activism kit 

This is version 2.0 of a kit that contains almost everything you need to promote instant runoff voting in your community or state. The kit can be printed out to fit in a standard two-sleeve folder with 10 or so pages in each side, a "Make Your Vote Count" brochure on top and a copy of USA Today editorial on instant runoff voting.

You can view the kit online or download an .rtf file that most word processors should be able to open these files. If you have any trouble downloading or opening, please contact us at irv @ or 301-270-4616, and we will provide the materials in a format that works for you.

Some highlights of the kit

To assemble a physical packet, you can place the following in a folder, along with any additional information that you think would be useful in your community:

  1. The text of the kit, an .rtf file, about 20 pages long, numbered R1-R10 on the right side of the folder and pages L1-L10 on the left.
  2. An IRV brochure that goes on top of the left side
  3. A USA Today editorial that goes between pages R1 and R2 on the right side.

Updates and Evaluation

Please let us know about your experience using this kit. If you think we should add or subtract any materials from the kit, let us know.

You can reach us at irv @ or call (301) 270-4616.

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Copyright 2002     The Center for Voting and Democracy
6930 Carroll Ave. Suite 610, Takoma Park, MD 20912
(301) 270-4616        [email protected]