2008 Presidential Ad Spending
The following is a summary of campaign ad spending by the 2008 major party candidates for the week of October 6- October12, 2008. This chart will be updated weekly as Election Day approaches. This data was collected from http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/10/15/143149/87.

*In thousands.
State McCain
this week
McCain last week Change Obama
this week

last week
this week
last week
Total change
CO 647 838 -191 923 987 -64 1570 1825 -255
FL 1,154 686 468 4330 2224 2106 5484 2910 2574
IA 434 299 135 376 176 200 810 475 335
IN 0 0 0 1804 628 1176 1804 628 1176
ME 37 0 37 154 59 95 191 59 132
MI 0 720 -720 1583 1586 -3 1583 2306 -723
MN 531 652 -121 560 237 323 1091 889 202
MO 674 200 474 1141 1586 -445 1815 1786 29
MT 0 0 0 173 73 100 173 73 100
NC 833 157 676 1208 1180 28 2041 1337 704
NH 118 189 -71 470 349 121 588 538 50
NV 416 320 96 878 626 252 1294 946 348
NM 297 320 -23 878 198 680 1175 518 657
OH 816 1128 -312 2362 2229 133 3178 3357 -179
PA 1780 1322 458 3337 2264 1073 5117 3586 1531
VA 285 319 -34 3305 1969 1336 3590 2288 1302
WI 622 710 -88 1189 1158 31 1811 1868 -57
WV 59 46 13 34 52 -18 93 98 -5
Cable 4 51 -47 1377 307 1070 1381 358 1023
National 90 1530 -1440 6633 307 6326 6723 1837 4886
Total 8800 9360 -560 32242 17867 14375 41042 27227 13815
August 18th 2008
Sidestepping the electoral college

Los Angeles Times Editorial supporting the National Popular Vote movement.

August 18th 2008
Popular Vote Is A Popular Choice For Bay State
Worcester Business Journal

Op-ed by Christian Smith-Socaris of the Progressive States Network on the National Popular Vote

August 8th 2008
Candidates ignore R.I.:

FairVote's Ari Savitzky and former U.S. Senator Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) write commentary making the case for the National Popular Vote plan for president.

July 26th 2008
Americans don't vote for long list of reasons
The Kansas City Star

The Kansas City Star takes a look at several reasons for low voter turnout in the U.S. FairVote's Adam Fogel says the government is not making an effort to ensure full, accurate voter rolls.

July 21st 2008
State's electoral votes may end up playing hard to get
The Brown Daily Herald

The Daily Herald's coverage of the national popular vote push in RI quotes FairVote RI's Ari Savitzky

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