In the News
June 28th 2009Voting rights: Time for new thinking, not rehashed ideas
Sun Sentinel
Mr. Guy examines why new ideas and legislation are needed to ensure minority voting rights after the recent Supreme Court Ruling on Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.June 22nd 2009
Modernizing the vote
The Baltimore Sun
The Baltimore Sun Editorial Board endorses universal voter registration.June 13th 2009
Registration And Voting On Same Day Sought in D.C.
The Washington Post
The D.C. City Council considers a variety of election reforms, including same day registration, advance registration for 16-year-olds and 17-year-old primary voting. May 16th 2009
High schoolers get a lesson in voting
The Gainesville Sun
High school voter registration efforts have increased and improved in light of Florida's uniform voter registration age of 16 years-old.May 14th 2009
No more appointed senators
Baltimore Sun
FairVote's David Segal argues for an end to the filling of Senate vacancies by appointment, and supports a national movement to have those vacancies filled through democratic elections.May 13th 2009
The Supreme Court�s Hostility to the Voting Rights Act
The New York Times
The New York Times' Adam Cohen argues for the Supreme Court to uphold Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.May 11th 2009
Bill promotes teen voter registration
The Charlotte Observer
North Carolina's bi-partisan 16-year-old advance registration and civics education bill unanimously passed the Election Law and Campaign Finance Reform committee last week. April 19th 2009
Making the District More of a Democracy
The Washington Post
FairVote's Adam Fogel shows how Washington, DC can move toward the goal of universal voter registration before it receives a vote in Congress. April 19th 2009
Why not voters' education for teens?
The Knoxville News Sentinel
Jack McElroy makes the case for 16-year-old advance registration and civics ed classes for Tennessee youth.April 13th 2009
Bill would require colleges to offer voter registration with course sign ups
The Daily Pennsylvanian
The Student VOTER Act would make colleges and universities "voter registration agencies" under the 1993 "Motor Voter" Law.April 11th 2009
Reviving the Motor Voter Law
The New York Times
The New York Times Editorial Board urges the Justice Department to enforce "motor voter" and asks Congress to enact universal voter registration.April 9th 2009
States Move to Create Culture of Voter Engagement through Preregistration
TPM Caf�
Project Vote's Erin Ferns highlights FairVote's effort to pass 16 and 17-year-old pre-registration bills in Rhode Island and California.April 8th 2009
Don't veto the vote
The Brown Daily Herald
The Brown Daily Herald endorses pre-registration.April 2nd 2009
Legislature votes to let teens register early
The Brown Daily Herald
The Rhode Island General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of 16- and 17-year-old pre-registration.April 1st 2009
High school registrants keep voting drive alive
Florida Times-Union
Duval County Elections Supervisor Jerry Holland takes advantage of Florida's 16-year-old pre-registration policy by registering nearly half of eligible students during a three-day drive.[ Previous ] [ Next ]