IRV Commentary
November 5th 2005
Instant runoffs: It's time will come
Oakland Tribune

A commentary that urges more legislators to use of IRV as way to save money and better support the interests of thier constituents

October 20th 2005
For once, spared a runoff
Wilmington Star

Commentary advocates eliminating primary elections in favor of Instant Runoff voting because it is a more sensible and effective option.

October 6th 2005
Vote IRV and Better Democracy in Takoma Park!
Takoma Voice

Rob Richie argues that Takoma Park would benefit greatly from IRV, which produces spoiler-free campaigns and majority winners.

September 30th 2005
A fad or reform?
Gainsville Sun

Commentary on why Gainsville should use adopt Instant Runoff Voting

September 22nd 2005
Missoula Independent

Why IRV should be adopted in Missoula Mayoral Elections

July 26th 2005
There's a better way to pick a mayor
Cincinnati Enquirer

Josh Krekeler suggests IRV to correct Cincinnati's undemocratic mayoral primary.

July 26th 2005
IRV causes clean campaigns
Ashland Daily Tidings

Shaktari Leslie Belew calls for the adoption of IRV in local governments as a way to revamp the electoral process.

July 25th 2005
Clarifying the Case for IRV
Ashland Daily Tidings

Pamela Vavra addresses Ashland city councilors' concerns about placing an IRV measure on the November ballot.

July 25th 2005
Clarifying the Case for IRV
Ashland Daily Tidings

A case for IRV

June 19th 2005
A better way to vote can lead to a more responsive democracy
The Nashua Telegraph

Zo Tobi advocates IRV as the best way to revitalize democracy in New Hampshire.

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