Keep voting!

By Joe Piasecki
Published April 18th 2007 in Pasadena Weekly
Thought election season was over? Not so fast.

It's time to start thinking of changing the way we vote, say some area activists and citizens groups who want your help in reforming the Pasadena elections system.

Tuesday's winner-take-all runoff election cost city taxpayers and Pasadena Unified School District taxpayers more than $200,000 according to City Clerk Jane Rodriguez.

Had instant runoff voting (IRV) been in use, say proponents, not only would taxpayers have saved time and money, the results would be a more accurate representation of citizen support.

With IRV, voters rank candidates according to preference, and if no candidate receives a majority of first choice votes, the additional rankings are used to determine the majority winner.

To find out more, join the League of Women Voters, the New America Foundation and others for a forum on the subject at 7 p.m. next Thursday, April 26, at Pasadena College.

Or, if you're a hands-on learner, turn back to page 9 to fill out a mock IRV ballot to be used in a demonstration at the forum.