January 29th 2006FAIR Treatment for D.C. Voters
Washington Post
D.C. Vote's Ilir Zherka advocates for the D.C. FAIR Act. Endorsed by FairVote, this act will give the District of Columbia a representative in the U.S. House as well as temporarily add an at-large Congressional seat in Utah.December 22nd 2005
Louisiana's Electoral Disaster
Washington Post
Postponed elections, faulty voter rolls, and FEMA intransigence dilute Louisiana democracy. FairVote's Rob Richie and Ryan O'Donnell make the case for reforms including universal voter registration and ranked choice absentee ballots.December 13th 2005
A Voter's Bill of Rights
Candidate for Massachusetts Secretary of State John Bonifaz sets out a ten point agenda for fairer elections and greater voter choice, including instant runoff voting, proportional representation, and a constitutionally-protected right to vote.November 16th 2005
Americans Lack Right to Vote
Yale Daily News
Support for a Constitutional right to vote from Yale student and FairVote board member Nikolas Bowie.June 23rd 2005
Felons Shoudn't Lose Right to Vote
Whittier Daily News
Law enforcement leaders argue against felon disenfranchisementMarch 24th 2005
Ensuring Voting Rights
In These Times
Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. outlines the rationale behind the need to amend the Constitution and add a right to vote. He also calls on all Americans to support reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act.March 14th 2005
How to Have Clean and Complete Voter Rolls
Knight Ridder Tribune
FairVote's Rob Richie and New America Foundation Fellow Steven Hill argue that millions of eligible voters are not registered - the U.S. government should work towards clean and complete voter rolls by actively registering all U.S. citizens.March 9th 2005
Securing Everyone's Right to Vote
San Francisco Bay ViewMarch 9th 2005
Securing the Right to Vote as a Citizenship Right
FairVote board member, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., argues that the electoral problems voters faced in 2004 were the result of a 'state's rights' voting system. To fix our voting process, he advocates we add a right to vote amendment to the U.S. ConstitutMarch 1st 2005
We must defend voting rights in America, not just Iraq
Chicago Sun-Times
Reverend Jesse Jackson calls for passage of the right to vote amendment to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the march across the Emund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama[ Previous ] [ Next ]