IRV Commentary
July 19th 2002
Ballot measure could change way Alaska elects officials
Juneau Empire

On August 27th Alaska will vote on the introduction of the new system - instant runoff voting (IRV).

July 5th 2002
Instant runoff elections would guarantee majority votes
Portland Press Herald

With two-party politics in terminal decline, more and more candidates are being elected to high political office by far fewer than a majority of votes cast.

June 4th 2002
Democrats for IRV?
Future Hope Column

One and a half years after the five not-so-Supremes selected George Jr. to be President, there are still echoes of the bitterness expressed by some Democrats over Ralph Nader's Green Party Presidential campaign

May 29th 2002
City OKs studying S.F. 'instant runoff voting'
Los Angeles Daily News

The Los Angeles City Council plans to study how instant runoff voting (IRV) works in San Francisco to see whether it should be implemented in LA.

May 27th 2002
Let's Go IRV!
The Nation

May 1st 2002
Here�s A Way To Vote for Every Candidate on the Ballot�
The Political Standard

April 15th 2002
Making Second-Place Votes Count

John Anderson is quoted in support of adopting instant runoff voting (IRV) to eliminate the spoiler effect and encourage third parties.

March 19th 2002
How the Majority Can Rule
Washington Post

March 14th 2002
Just because majority of voters hate you, it doesn't mean you can't win
Daily Herald

John Anderson is cited with his description of instant runoff voting (IRV), which would introduce majority voting and improve democracy.

March 8th 2002
Election over; time for a better next one
Santa Fe New Mexican

The merits of instant runoff voting are extolled over the plurality system in place for Santa Fe local elections.

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