By Letters to the Editor
Published November 16th 2002 in  New York Times
Below is a compilation of citizen commentaries apearing in the New York Times defending IRV and third party competition in American elections.

Two Parties Won't Do

    * To the Editor:

    I take great exception to "A Third Party on the Right," by John J. Miller (Op-Ed, Nov. 16). Third-party candidates aren't responsible for electing Democrats or Republicans; the lousy politicians whom the two major parties keep giving us are at fault.

    I hope that if Mr. Miller sincerely believes that third parties spoil elections, he will try to persuade both major parties to work toward changing the election system to one that includes instant runoff voting, in which voters rank the candidates in order of preference.

    Even without a new voting system, I will continue to vote for the candidate who best represents my views, rather than the lesser of two evils.

    San Luis Obispo, Calif., Nov. 18, 2002

    * To the Editor:

      With Democrats and Republicans running so closely in so many places and turnouts rarely passing 50 percent, why don't both parties stop bullying the voices of actual ideas and conviction ("A Third Party on the Right," Op-Ed, Nov. 16)? Instead of denouncing the 1 to 3 percent of voters who so threaten them, they should try listening.

      Votes for Democrats and Republicans have robbed this country of meaningful debate and politics we can believe in. If you are upset by the determined mediocrity of the major candidates, look in the mirror and next time vote for a third (or fourth or fifth) party. Let's have a real democracy!
      Kirby, Vt., Nov. 16, 2002

    * To the Editor:

      Re "A Third Party on the Right" (Op-Ed, Nov. 16): If the Republican Party really believed its rhetoric about getting the government off the backs of the people, there would be no need for the Libertarian Party.
      Bronx, Nov. 16, 2002