In the News
August 31st 2004
As Many as 10 Million Ballots Coult Be Cast from Abroad
PR Newswire Lexis Nexis

August 23rd 2004
Vote Count at Mercy of Clandestine Testing
Associated Press

August 20th 2004
Perspective: Felons have problems in getting right to vote restored
The State

August 16th 2004
Supress the Vote?
New York Times

The elederly African-American community is under investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement; an investigation that is deterring voters from returning to the polls in the swing state.

August 10th 2004
Provisional Ballots Raise New Questions
The Slate

August 7th 2004
Foreign Observers to Audit Election
The Washinton Times

August 7th 2004
Chiefly a Cool Reception
Newsday Coverage

August 6th 2004
A Rule to Avert Balloting Woes Adds to Them
The New York Times

August 6th 2004
Go to Jail, Get to Vote- in Maine or Vermont
St. Petersburg Times

July 29th 2004
Does Every Vote Count?
Government Computer News

July 26th 2004
An Education in Intimidation
The Metroland

July 21st 2004
Young Voters Face Hurdles to Voting, Working at Polls

July 20th 2004
Florida's Ex-Convicts Seek Right To Vote
Chicago Tribune

July 19th 2004
Usurping the Voters
Washington Post

July 19th 2004
ACLU: Voter ID Signs Can Mislead
Tampa Bay Times

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