IRV in the News
October 19th 2009Minneapolis lauches IRV education campaign for Nov. 3 elections
In two weeks, the city of Minneapolis will be using instant runoff voting in their elections for the first time. October 18th 2009
Voters to vote on how they voted
Aspen Daily News
Aspen has been using IRV since 2005, since the may 2007 election the local government will put out a poll to decide whether to go back to the old voting system or tweak the current one. October 18th 2009
RCV: System results in more candidates
The News Tribune
Susan Eidenschink thinks that RCV should continue to be used in Washington. October 18th 2009
Reforming runoffs could boost turnout
Crain's New York Business
State Sen. Liz Krueger says instant runoff voting would reduce spending, negative campaigning and boost turnout.October 18th 2009
Pierce County voters should keep ranked-choice voting
The Seattle Times
The Seattle Times recommends a No vote on Pierce County Charter Amendment 3, which would repeal ranked-choice voting.[ Previous ] [ Next ]