IRV Commentary
March 10th 2004
How To Grab Power Without A Majority
The Times News Network

March 3rd 2004
Berkeley Smiling On Instant Runoffs
San Francisco Chronicle

February 25th 2004
Nader is a wrecker, but he's right about public malaise
The Guardian

February 23rd 2004
It's the Electoral System, Stupid!
Common Dreams

February 9th 2004
Two Candidates are Better than One

January 27th 2004
City Can Get Better Government for Less Money
Berkeley Daily Planet

January 19th 2004
Richmond's Mayor : Amend Proposed Election System
Richmond Times Dispatch

Mark Rush argues that, in the face of escalating costs, instant runoff voting(IRV) which greatly saves costs would be advantageous in the Richmond mayoral election.

December 3rd 2003
Instant Runoff Worth Closer Look
Modesto Bee

October 20th 2003
Instant runoffs only real solution
Los Angeles Daily News

October 17th 2003
Uncrazy California
The New Yorker

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