Information on redistricting in all 50
states is available by clicking on the state to the left. We have compiled important media
coverage of national
redistricting issues. Postings
in January 2004 concern the following
states: Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Montana, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and
Texas. Election law attorney Edward Still regularly updates his
website with developments in
Mapping our Future is a state-by-state guide, from August
2000, to the details of redistricting at that time. It
contains information on the statutes governing redistricting,
litigation in the previous decade, any reform efforts and
legislation on redistricting and an analysis of the political
landscape in each state. The report now includes information about
how redistricting has proceeded in each state, including a wide
array of newspaper articles.
George Mason University professor Michael
McDonald reviews means toenhance competitiveness in redistricting
information about redistricting is available in the voting
rights section of our
Do you have
information about redistricting in your state that you think we
should include? Please send your redistricting tidbits to
[email protected]. As always,
we welcome your input, comments, and suggestions.