The Electoral College
As members of the Electoral College met across the nation on December 13, 2004, an unknown elector from Minnesota earned a footnote in the history books by casting his/her vote, representing 492,000 voters, for vice-presidential candidate John Edwards in both president and vice president slots, omitting presidential candidate John Kerry altogether. Another Minnesota elector, who believed the Edwards vote must have been a mistake, said "I'm certainly glad the Electoral College isn't separated by one vote." If it had been, antiquated rules overseeing the Electoral College dictate that a tied Electoral College decision would be sent to congress, thereby subjecting that decision to the partisan environment of the legislature. Because of the way the Electoral College is set up, many voters go unrepresented or are ignored by candidates, especially in states where one candidate is supported by a strong majority of voters.

See our call for action on December 13, 2004.

Responses to Myths about National Popular Vote and the Electoral College


How the Electoral College works today
States that bind electors
Maine & Nebraska
Frequently asked questions


Concerns with the Electoral College
Most votes don't count
Controversial elections
Faithless electors
State advantages
Little known facts


The case for reform

Reform options
Leaders that support direct election of the president
Past attempts at reform

Questions? Email us at: info(a)

April 17th 2009
In our view, April 17: Equal Voting

Editorial in the Columbian in favor of the national popular vote plan, which is likely to be passed into law soon in the state of Washington.

February 5th 2009
Push continues to defeat Electoral College
Associated Press

Associated Press wire story on National Popular Vote moving in Vermont features FairVote analysis

January 20th 2009
Initiative could make elections more fair
The Columbia Tribune

Missouri ally of the National Popular Vote plan writes oped in local paper.

January 10th 2009
Abolish the Electoral College
Sarasota Herald Tribune

Editorial strongly in favor of a national popular vote for president via constitutional amendment or the 'compelling' National Popular Vote plan.

December 22nd 2008
Time to eliminate Electoral College?

Editorial supports a national popular vote for president, citing FairVote's research.

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