August 24th 2007
N.C.�s One-Stop voting is a blessing for busy public

North Carolina's innovative new one-stop voting law could increase participation among young people nearly 11 percent.

February 13th 2007
Making every vote count
The Minnesota Daily

The Minnesota Daily endorses Secretary of State Mark Ritchie's proposal to make voter registration easier for Minnesotans.

February 12th 2007
Let's pre-register 16-year-olds to vote
Kalamazoo Gazette

Kalamazoo Gazette editorial board endorses Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land's proposal to advance-register 16-year-olds to vote.

February 7th 2007
More Than Words
The Washington Post

The Washington Post's editorial board urges Democratic leaders to take action and give the District of Columbia full voting rights.

November 3rd 2006
Bring Democracy Home
The Nation

Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation, outlines ways to improve the democratic process, advocating nonpartisan election administrations and encouraging IRV and proportional representation as alternatives to the current winner-takes-all system.

October 17th 2006
And the Winner Is ... Me
New York Times

The New York Times editorial board endorses nonpartisan election administration, citing recent conflicts of interest facing Ohio Secretary of State & gubernatorial candidate Kenneth Blackwell.

June 18th 2006
Where politicians dare to tread
San Francisco Chronicle

The San Francisco Chronicle editorial board endorses the British Columbia Citizens Assembly approach to electoral reform, specifically noting the potential for proportional representation in California.

May 30th 2006
Block the Vote
New York Times

New York Times editorial reminds lawmakers that preventing voter fraud should not be at odds with protecting voting rights.

August 29th 2005
Nebraska in the Lead
The New York Times

A bipartisan effort in Nebraska relaxes felon disenfranchisement law

July 28th 2005
Voting Rights for All
The Nation

Editorial supporting renewal of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

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