Everyone's vote should be equal when electing the president, no matter where they live. FairVote is a leader in the campaign to establish a national popular vote for president, and recommends that political parties establish a schedule and rules to promote all states having a meaningful vote in nomination contests.

FairVote Interview with Neal Peirce
Leading Electoral College Commentator Emphasizes Need for National Popular Vote
Neal Peirce
FairVote's Presidential Elections Reform program director Chris Pearson talked with Neal Peirce, a prominent Washington journalist, Presidential scholar and advocate for the direct election of the president.

[Read the full interview]

American Plan Gains Momentum
Presidential Primary Schedule Badly in Need of Reform
Art TorresFairVote's favorite presidential primary reform plan - The American Plan - gained momentum this week as California Democratic Party chair Art Torres mentioned the plan at the DNC Commission on Presidential Nomination Timing and Scheduling. The commission is unlikely to support such a sweeping change but the fact that commissioner Torres brought the plan to their attention bodes well for its future.

FairVote's executive director Rob Richie recently spoke to former Republican Senator Bill Brock. He chaired a 1999 RNC commission that recommended adoption of a broad primary change called the Delaware plan. This plan, however, was never brought to a vote at the GOP's 2000 convention. Sen. Brock was interested in the American Plan and seemed to support any substantial change to the broken system in place today.

Stay tuned as FairVote and other primary reform activists continue to push for this important and substantial change, one that would give more voters a say in their party's presidential candidate.

[see details of The American Plan]

The Shrinking Battleground
New FairVote Report Rips Two-Tier Democracy in Presidential Elections
FairVote's July 28 press conferenceFairVote’s new report, The Shrinking Battleground: The 2008 Presidential Elections and Beyond, provides a devastating critique of the Electoral College and its impact on American politics. Fewer and fewer Americans play a meaningful role in electing their president, with a damaging impact on voter turnout, racial fairness and political equality.

FairVote released the report at the National Press Club last Thursday, July 28. Speakers at the press conference included FairVote’s executive director Rob Richie, 1980 independent presidential candidate John B. Anderson and Hendrik Hertzberg, writer for The New Yorker and chief White House speechwriter for Jimmy Carter in 1980.

[Read key findings]
[Download the report .pdf 301 KB]

DNC Commission Questions Presidential Nomination System
Convention HallOn July 16, FairVote's Chris Pearson attended a meeting of the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) Commission on Presidential Nomination Timing and Scheduling to discuss possible reforms to the presidential nomination system. Currently, candidates concentrate time and money on the states with the earliest primaries, excluding the great majority of the country from the nomination process. In an attempt to undo this imbalance, many states have moved their primaries earlier and earlier. Most recently, New Jersey has shifted to late February.  

In 2000, the Republican Party examined its own nomination process, nearly adopting the “Delaware Plan.” This plan would set up a calendar with month-long gaps between primaries, and with each successive primary date including states with bigger populations.

FairVote's recommended proposal is the “American Plan” recently endorsed by the California Young Democrats. This plan combines random order with increasing population size and succeeds in balancing the interests of both large and small states, giving all states a fair shot at meaningful impact in the nomination process.
[Read more about New Jersey's primary change]
[The American Plan]

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Fuzzy Math Report

Presidential Elections Inequality Report
August 10th 2009
Commentary: A cure for the political nomination process
Cleveland Plain Dealer

FairVote's Rob Richie and Paul Fidalgo offer a way to give everyone a say in presidential nominations while retaining the valuable state-by-state evaluation process. This piece also ran in McClatchy's newswire.

July 13th 2009
Albatross of U.S. democracy
Indianapolis Star

FairVote research is cited in support of the National Popular Vote plan in Indiana, because "every vote cast for president should be equally important and equally coveted, whether it originates in California, Connecticut or Crawfordsville."

July 9th 2009
Winner-take-all can elect a second-place president
San Diego Union-Tribune

The founder of National Popular Vote lays out the shortcomings and injustices of the Electoral College system, and shows why the National Popular Vote plan is the right solution.

May 17th 2009
Why states should adopt the National Popular Vote plan for president
San Diego Union-Tribune

FairVote's Rob Richie writes that the Electoral College deepens political inequality, and explains why the National Popular Vote plan is our best opportunity to ensure that every vote for president is equally valued.

May 14th 2009
Let's Make Every Vote Count
The Nation

Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of the Nation magazine, highlights FairVote's research in an important piece on the "broad support" growing in the states for the National Popular Vote plan to elect the president.