Third Party Elections
Election Years in which a third party candidate walked away with any amount of Electoral votes


Candidate: Teddy Roosevelt

T. Roosevelt

Party: Progressive

Popular Vote: 4,119,207 (27.4%)

Electoral Votes: 88

States: Michigan, Minnesota, South Dakota, Washington, Pennsylvania, California (split)

*Roosevelt actually beat Democratic candidate William Howard Taft in the Electoral College;
Taft received only 8 votes

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Candidate: Robert Marion LaFollette

Bob Lafollette

Party: Progressive

Popular Vote: 4,822,856 (16.6%)

Electoral Votes: 13

States: Wisconsin

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Candidate: Strom Thurmond

Strom Thurmond

Party: Dixiecrat

Popular Vote: 1,176,125 (2.4%)

Electoral Votes: 39

          States: Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee (split)

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Candidate: Harry Flood Byrd


Party: Democrat

Popular Vote: 116,248 (0.2%)

Electoral Votes: 15

States: Mississippi, Alabama (split), Oklahoma (split)

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Candidate: George Corley Wallace


Party: American Independent

Popular Vote: 9,446,167 (12.9%)

Electoral Votes: 46

       States: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina (split)

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1956, 1972, 1976, 1988

*In each of these elections, a candidate got a single (1) electoral vote:

Walter Burgwyn Jones in 1956

John Hospers in 1972

Ronald Reagan in 1976

Lloyd Millard Bentsen, Jr. in 1988

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Controversial Elections

Electoral College Table of Contents

June 9th 2008
Will states topple Electoral College?

Profile of increasingly strong campaign for a National Popular Vote for president.

May 30th 2008
Popular vote campaign gains popularity
Boston Herald

Columnist touts National Popular Vote plan for Massachusetts.

May 28th 2008
Presidents by National Popular Vote and Early Registration for Teens
Providence Journal

Major items on the FairVote RI agenda moved forward after securing passage on the RI Senate floor

May 28th 2008
Assembly Briefs
Providence Journal

News article on Rhode Island state senate handily passing the National Popular Vote and advance voter registration.

May 20th 2008
Democracy versus the Electoral College
Global Politician

Commentary promotes direct election of the president.

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