January 19th 2008
The Popular Vote
The Daily Freeman

The Daily Freeman makes the case for the direct election of the president and for the National Popular Vote Plan

January 6th 2008
Caucuses will face attacks before 2012
DeMoines Register

FairVote's Rob Richie is quoted in this story covering various attempts by the parties to fix the malfunctioning primary schedule.

December 18th 2007
An opportunity to dump the electoral college

Columnist Frank Askin writes about the National Popular Vote plan, and why the time has come to dump the Electoral College.

December 13th 2007
New Jersey Assembly wants electoral votes for popular vote winner

The Assembly voted 43-32 on Thursday to approve legislation delivering the state's 15 electoral votes for president to the winner of the national popular vote.

December 11th 2007
Think for Yourself
Asian Week

This commentary cites FairVote as an example of leadership in upgrading American democracy, especially when it comes to our presidential primaries.

December 9th 2007
A 'Ridiculous' Idea?
The Columbian

The Columbian endorses the National Popular Vote plan for electing the president.

November 28th 2007
Real Reform
The Reporter

FairVote friend Steven Hill slams the congressional district plan for awarding electoral votes and points to a better option: a national popular vote for president.

November 1st 2007
Fixing The Primary Scramble
National Journal

As part of National Journal's "Insider Interviews" series, Ryan O'Donnell talks about the primary scheduling debacle and what can be done to fix it.

October 31st 2007
N.H., Iowa Keep the Candidates' Attention
Washington Post

An article showing that campaign spending in the traditional early primary states "has helped debunk the notion that an increasingly front-loaded primary calendar would diminish the influence of New Hampshire and Iowa."

October 30th 2007
Vote Early, Count Often
The New York Times

Jonathan Soros offers a new innovative proposal on presidential nomination reform.

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Sierra Club National Popular Vote Resolution
WHEREAS, the mission of the Sierra Club is to explore, enjoy and protect the planet through grassroots participation in politics and government; and

WHEREAS,  presidential candidates focus their efforts and resources only in battleground states.

WHEREAS, two-thirds of the states receive little to no attention in a competitive presidential election.

THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Sierra Club supports National Popular Vote state legislation that will elect the President of the United States by popular vote.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Sierra Club supports election of the President of the United States by direct popular vote.