Big vs. Small - Who has more clout?

While scholars argue that the electoral college favors, or is advantageous to smaller states, there is also an argument that it favors larger states.  Small states are 'protected' by receiving a proportionally high amount of electoral votes in reference to their populations, arguably giving them more clout.  See Providence Journal article on small state power

Simultaneously though, voters in large states have more power through voting potential, because they have the chance to affect a large amount of electoral votes with their raw vote.  As presidential historian Allan Lichtman explains, "you've got to have a majority 270 votes in the Electoral College to win, and you accumulate them state-by-state, with large states like California having the lions-share of the Electoral College vote."

According to Lawrence D. Longley and Neal Peirce in their book “Electoral College Primer 2000” (not updated in 2004), the states enjoying a higher-than-average advantage in Electoral College that year were the larger ones with the most Electoral College votes.  Note that this finding is in direct opposition to the broad assumption that smaller states have a greater advantage because of the Electoral College.  In descending order, these states were

California – 55 votes

Texas – 34 votes

New York – 31 votes

Florida – 27 votes

Pennsylvania – 21 votes

Illinois – 21 votes

*Vote totals are current for 2001-2010

Longley and Peirce also declared that those states with the lowest amount of clout in the Electoral College are typically those that are argued to be favored by it, including Maine, Montana, Nevada and Utah, each of which has 5 or fewer electoral votes

This data turns out to be extremely hopeful, considering that since only six states enjoy a large amount of influence under the Electoral College system, the remaining 44 might not put up such a fight when it comes to abolishing it.  Perhaps the key comes in convincing the smaller states of the greater advantage to them in abolishing the Electoral College.  Despite the loss of “clout” to smaller states without the Electoral College, they would gain a proportionally balanced advantage by causing the larger states to lose their massively overwhelming advantage in the system.

The Case for Reform

Electoral College Table of Contents

May 9th 2008
Popular Vote
KERA Public Radio

Radio commentary in favor of a national popular vote.

May 6th 2008
A better way to elect a president
Boston Globe

Boston Globe columnist, Scot Lehigh, explains the functioning and the virtues of the National Popular Vote plan over the current Electoral College system.

April 30th 2008
Majority Rule at Last
Washington Monthly

The Brennan Center's Michael Waldman lays out the case for the National Popular Vote Plan for electing the president.

April 30th 2008
National vote plan would help New York

Assemblyman Charles D. Lavine explains why the National Popular Vote Plan is good for the state of New York.

April 21st 2008
Make Electoral College reflect overall popular vote
Nashville Tennessean

Nashville Tennessean editorial board endorses National Popular Vote plan, citing lack of attention paid to most states and the possibility for popular vote losers to win the presidency.

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