Burlington Voters Choose IRV
On March 1, Burlington voters gave instant runoff voting a landslide win. Even as other high-profile ballot measures went down in defeat, 62% of voters supported adopting instant runoff voting for mayoral elections.

Attention now turns to the Vermont's state legislature, where an IRV bill has been introduced with tri-partisan support and 43 sponsors. The bill (H. 385), calls for IRV in elections for United States senator and representative to U.S. Congress, electors for U.S. president, and all statewide offices.

IRV on Ballot and Before Legislature in Vermont's Biggest City

A binding measure for IRV will be one of the questions on the March ballot in Vermont's largest city. This follows a non-binding vote in November, when Burlington voters supported IRV by a two-to-one margin.

With support from former governor Howard Dean, the League of Women Voters, AFL-CIO, and others, Vermont's Secretary of State is urging the legislature to adopt IRV for statewide offices as well.

Three Big Wins for Instant Runoff Voting
At the polls in Michigan, Massachusetts, and Vermont, voters showed strong support for IRV.
Proposal B on Ferndale, Michigan's ballot won by a lopsided 69%-31% margin. The proposal amends Ferndale's city charter to provide for election of the mayor and City Council through the use of IRV pending the availability and purchase of compatible software and approval of the equipment.

Voters in 16 western Massachusetts towns approved a non-binding motion in support of IRV, by a margin of 11,956 to 5,568.

In Vermont, voters in Burlington overwhelmingly passed an advisory referendum on whether the city charter should be amended to use IRV for the election of the mayor.

[Press Release on Ferndale IRV win]

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In the News
March 3rd 2009
Kiss re-elected by narrow margin
Burlington Free Press

Incumbent Mayor Bob Kiss won reelection in Burlington's second election using instant runoff voting.

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Campaign Resources from the Successful IRV Campaign in Burlington, VT
[Advertisement placed in newspapers by local IRV Advocates]