FairVote RI

   145 Wayland Ave,
   Providence, RI 02906

   Phone: 401.429.6059

   Fax: 360.933.2456

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RI General Assembly Approves National Popular Vote
Advance registration bill already on the Governor's desk

On June 19th, the General Assembly approved the National Popular Vote compact. It's a huge victory for FairVote RI, for the NPV coalition, for the legislators who backed the bill, including sponsors House Judiciary Chairman Donald Lally and State Senator Daniel Connors, and for Rhode Island.

The key votes followed a robust debate in the House. After discussing the House bill for more than 40 minutes, the House passed it by a 36-34 margin. Later in the night the House approved the Senate version by a 34-28 margin. The RI House became the 19th state legislative chamber to pass the compact.

"This was an extremely important and heartfelt debate, and it's a big victory for democracy, and for the 74% of Rhode Islanders who support a national popular vote," FairVote RI Director Ari Savitzky said.

Want to learn more about the national popular vote compact? Check out nationalpopularvote.com, and come hear a discussion on the plan with FairVote RI's Ari Savitzky at 7PM this Wednesday, June 25th, at Blue State Coffee on Thayer Street in Providence.

FairVote RI Working with the Youth
Success for local voter registration and civic engagement projects

Two of FairVote RI's legislative proposals--youth voter pre-registration and a primary vote for eligible 17 year olds--are focused on young Rhode Islanders, and for good reason. A healthy democracy gets voters involved early.

Recently, FairVote RI travelled to one of Providence's most celebrated community-based projects, New Urban Arts, to register young Rhode Islanders. Getting registered is a fundamental step towards participating in democracy, but young people in our state are registered at dramatically lower rates than the rest of the population. We're working to change that.

Registration in turn should be part of a broader civic education. FairVote RI Director Ari Savitzky has gone to places like the Wheeler School to talk to 8th graders directly about the mechanics of voting, the primary process and the Electoral College. On a sunny day towards the end of the semester, those students registered dozens of new voters outside two coffee shops on Thayer Street in Providence. That's more than just a class project--it's democracy in action.

FairVote RI Event Alert: Join FairVote RI's Ari Savitzky for "Electoral College Dropout," a discussion on the national popular vote compact, at Blue State Coffee on Thayer Street in Providence, at 7 pm on June 25th.

Victories in Rhode Island, Colorado and Illinois
Key progress on IRV, NPV and 16-year-old registration
It was a good week for FairVote in the states. On May 27, Colorado governor Bill Ritter signed HB 1378, a bill to allow all Colorado municipalities and special districts to use instant runoff voting and choice voting; FairVote's Rob Richie testied for two hours to the task force that recommended the bill last year. In Illinois, the legislature sent to the governor SF 439, a bill to allow municipalities to use IRV ballots to improve voting rights for overseas voters like those serving in the military.

In Rhode Island the State Senate took two critical steps forward on the reform agenda of our FairVote Rhode Island group. It overwhelmingly passed advance voter registration and the National Popular Vote plan. Former US Senator Lincoln Chafee was a key backer of the NPV bill, which has now passed in 18 of our nation's 99 legislative chambers, while FairVote RI has brought together a broad coalition of civic groups to back advance voter registration. The House already passed advance registration, and a bill should go to the governor this year.

[FairVote Rhode Island]
[Colorado Voter Choice Task Force Report]
[Rob Richie's blog on RI wins] 
[Include Every Voter on IRV ballots for overseas voters]

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June 20th 2008
Flurry on Smith Hill means the end is near
The Providence Journal

After a vigorous debate, the RI House passed the National Popular Vote, a key item on the FairVote RI agenda

June 9th 2008
R.I. poll: Most favor scrapping Electoral College, electing presidents directly
Providence Journal

News article on 74% support for National Popular Vote plan in Rhode Island, where FairVote RI is playing key role in NPV plan advocacy.

May 28th 2008
Presidents by National Popular Vote and Early Registration for Teens
Providence Journal

Major items on the FairVote RI agenda moved forward after securing passage on the RI Senate floor

May 14th 2008
Backing the popular vote
The Providence Journal

The national popular vote plan passes out of the RI Senate Judiciary committee

May 2nd 2008
Voting Rights Are Too Important to Leave to the States
The New York Times

The New York Times' Adam Cohen makes the case for federal intervention in regulating elections to ensure equal voting rights for all.

April 30th 2008
Majority Rule at Last
Washington Monthly

The Brennan Center's Michael Waldman lays out the case for the National Popular Vote Plan for electing the president.

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