July 11th 2001
UIC poll explores voter participation, election standards
Northwest Leader

July 11th 2001
A Commonsense Plan to Revive Legislature
Chicago Sun-Times

July 8th 2001
A vote for cumulative voting
Springfield Journal-Register

A new report put out by the Illinois Task Force on political Representation and Alternative Electoral Systems suggests a return to cumulative voting in Illinois might heighten voter turnout, create more competitive elections, and lower campaign expen

July 5th 2001
Try Changing the County Charter
The Monterey County Herald

Redistricting is allowing representatives to elect their voters; therefore, to eliminate this problem, proportional representation needs to be implemented argues Nat S. Lerner.

July 2nd 2001
One man, 7 votes?

FairVote's Rob Richie argues that cumulative voting can increase the representation of minorities if implemented in Baldwin County (AL).

May 30th 2001
Limit voting to expand democracy
Raleigh News and Observer

FairVote's Lee Mortimer argues that establishing a limited voting system would eliminate the problems of single-member district elections.

May 25th 2001
Reform 'primitive' voting system
London Times

Letter to the editor by members of the House of Lords advocating the use of proportional representation

April 26th 2001
State House change deserves a look
Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette

An editorial in favor of the use of cumulative voting in Illinois

April 1st 2001
Cumulative voting tries to stage comeback
The Springfield News-Gazette

Informative article about efforts to revive cumulative voting in IL

April 1st 2001
Party Politics:
Boston Review

The authors are responded to by Harvard law professor Lani Guinier with a focus on proportional representation. In their final word, the authors express strong support for Professor Guinier's position.

March 12th 2001
What we must overcome
The American Prospect

Harvard Law Professor Lani Guinier makes an eloquent call for proportional representation and other reforms

March 12th 2001
Reclaiming Democracy
The American Prospect

NYU law professor Burt Neuborne discusses a wide range of reforms, including calls for serious consideration of instant runoff voting and proportional voting methods

March 1st 2001
New Means for Political Empowerment in the Asian Pacific American Community
Asian American Policy Review

March 1st 2001
Redistricting Will Be a Lawyer's Dream - and a Voter Nightmare

As massive gerrymandering follows the 2000 census, Rob Richie and Steven Hill recommend taking responsibility for drawing boundaries out of incumbents' hands, or switching to multi-member districts.

February 6th 2001
Lani Guinier's Oscar Fever

FairVote is credited with promoting proportional representation, which is compared the the way Oscar nominees are selected.

January 30th 2001
Let's Simplify Voting
New York Times

Commentary advocating instant runoff voting and proportional representation.

January 24th 2001

Amy claims that the creation of proportional representation is the most needed reform in American politics because it will raise voter turnout and representation; FairVote is cited as creating pragmatic plans for implementing PR.

January 11th 2001
Can We Keep Diverse Voice In Our Civic Dialog?
Charlotte Observer

An article advocating the use of cumulative voting, instant runoff voting, and limited voting to represent an increasingly diverse electorate.

January 9th 2001
The State (Charleston, South Carolina)

South Carolina Senator John Matthews has proposed cumulative voting and multi-member districts to address the problem that racially uniform districts may produce racially divided legislatures.

January 3rd 2001
Emancipation and Enfranchisement
Asian Week

Discusses proportional representation and instant runoff voting as well as other electoral reforms

January 1st 2001
The time is ripe for real electoral reform. Why not try democracy in America?
The Hightower Lowdown

Major article about electoral reform with sections advocating instant runoff voting and proportional representation

December 31st 2000
New York in Congress

FairVote's Rob Richie argues that New York should not be complacent with the current election laws and practices, rather should demand an increase of House representatives.

December 18th 2000
The Ballot, Via the Courthouse

According to Lani Guinier, the winner-take-all scheme involved in redistricting calls for changes to implement a system of proportional voting.

December 4th 2000
The Nation Covers Electoral Reform
The Nation

After the 2000 election, The Nation runs several articles criticizing poor voting technology, the Electoral College, the two-party system, and single-member districts.

December 1st 2000
Reclaiming Democracy in the 21st Century
Social Policy

Rob Richie, Steven Hill, and Caleb Kleppner discuss the benefits of instant runoff voting and proportional representation, as well as how it is used internationally

November 22nd 2000
Taking Back the Vote: Florida Fiasco Puts Radical Reforms on the Table
Village Voice

FairVote's Eric Olson speaks about the necessity of streamlining the voting process so "every vote counts," as this article offers alternatives to our first-past-the-post system.

November 2nd 2000
Keep an Eye on the Battle for State Legislatures
MoJo Wire

Rob Richie and Steven Hill point out how vital party control of state legislatures can be, illustrating how taking control of state governments may mean redrawing of congressional boundaries.

October 20th 2000
For most incumbents in office, re-election is a sure bet
The Ithaca Journal

With incumbents having more financial and political power, the number of competitive districts is on a decline argues FairVote's Rob Richie regarding Shuster's unopposed position in Pennsylvania.

May 10th 2000
N.C. Could Avoid Costly Runoff Elections
Raleigh News and Observer

February 14th 2000
Proportional Representation: Next Step for Democracy

Georgia Representative Cynthia McKinney speaks of the importance of proportional voting for the fair representation of racial minorities.

February 10th 2000
Book Beat: "Reflecting All of Us"
The Daily Special

January 15th 2000
Political Reform: A Vision for a More Muscular Democracy

FairVote's John Anderson speaks at the College Convention 2000 in Manchester, NH about election reform and calls for instant runoff voting (IRV), proportional voting, same-day registration, and publicly-funded campaigns.

November 2nd 1999
Uncontested Contests

Many incumbents now run in uncontested elections as a result of redistricting, leaving many people behind without a voice to be heard.

November 1st 1998
Fall 1998 speech in favor of Proportional Representation,
The Velvet Revolution

Speech on Proportional Representation given by FairVote Board Chair and former Nirvana Bassist Krist Novoselic.

September 13th 1998
These Reforms Will Get Voters To the Polls

FairVote's Jamin Raskin and Rob Richie argue that cumulative voting, instant runoff voting (IRV), and proportional voting are needed to reform our undemocratic election system.

April 2nd 1998
How to Bind the Nation

FairVote's Steven Hill argues that due to the high level of ethnic diversity in california, single-member districts are unreasonable and ineffective since the majority's concerns will not be heard.

February 16th 1998
The Voters Decide Their Representation

FairVote's John Anderson and Rob Richie argue that proportional representation can eliminate the practice of "racial gerrymandering" and corrupt redistricting practices.

February 2nd 1998
The real tragedy of Sen. Feinstein's withdrawal from the Governor's race

FairVote's Steven Hill and Rob Richie argue that there are major problems within our electoral system as a result of the redistricting process.

January 27th 1998
Fair Elections and Full Representation in the US

FairVote's Rob Richie and Steven Hill argue that proportional representation has the potential to eliminate the problems caused by winner-take-all election systems.

January 21st 1998
De-Clawing the Gerrymander

FairVote's Walter Hearne argues that the partisan corruption of redistricting can be amended by implementing a system of proportional voting.

January 13th 1998
Campaign Finance Reform'sRejection Need Not Spell the End of Reform

The remedy for the lack of competition due to the corruption of redistricting is proportional representation and multi-member districts argue FairVote's Rob Richie and Steven Hill.

November 19th 1997
Civil Rights Controversy Shows Need for Universal Approach

FairVote's Rob Richie and Steven Hill argue that proportional representation will help resolve many of the civil rights and racial issues today.

November 8th 1997
Shhh... Don't Wake the Voters

FairVote Chair John B. Anderson argues that implementing a proportional voting system would save the American public from the current political depression and increase voter turnout.

November 8th 1997
Shhh... Don't Wake the Voters

John Anderson highlights the flaws in our election laws, such as single-member gerrymandered districts, and holds them accountable for dropping voter turnout.

July 11th 1997
Case Closed: The Move to Fair Elections in Mexico and Elsewhere

FairVote's Rob Richie and Steven Hill argue that the winner-take-all elections in Mexico need to be replaced by proportional voting systems to ensure fair elections.

June 9th 1997
'Complicated' Is In the Eye of the Beholder

FairVote's Rob Richie and Steven Hill argue that winner-take-all elections in any country end in distorted results and need to be replaced by proportional voting systems.

June 1st 1996
The Progressive Case for Proportional Representation
Social Policy

Extended commentary from FairVote's Rob Richie and New America Foundation's Steven Hill discusses the implications of proportional representation for progressives.

Democrats sue over remap

Democrats filed a motion in federal court in Tyler seeking to prohibit the state from implementing the new Republican-backed congressional redistricting map in Texas.

Would 'Cumulative Voting' Lead to More Fairness?
The Northern Virginia Sun Gazette

Republican County Board candidate Scott Tate proposed cumulative voting as a new voting system for Arlington, VA residents to ensure political and racial minority representation.

NDP risks stagnating, Nystrom warns
Globe and Mail

Afghan Poll Date Depends on Creating Voting Districts, UN Says

Reclaiming Democracy in the 21st Century
Social Policy

Rob Richie, Steven Hill, and Caleb Kleppner lay out the FairVote agenda, including: instant runoff voting (IRV) to elect the president, proportional representation, emulating the Irish election system, and emphasizing the political viability of refor

Suits Filed in Tex. Redistricting Battle GOP Governor, Senate Democrats File Competing Court Claims in Texas Redistricting Battle
The Associated Press

Eleven Senate Democrats in out-of-state exile challenged Gov. Rick Perry's authority to call the current special legislative session, and the governor later Thursday made his own court filing asking the Texas Supreme Court to order the lawmakers home

North Carolina's 12th District: UnAmerican Beauty

Election systems like cumulative voting, limited voting, and choice voting possess the power to resolve some of the racial representation problems that redistricting causes for Representatives like Mel Watt.

Winning Fair Representation with Alternative Voting Systems
Southern Changes

Rob Richie explains how proportional representation can help elect more candidates from racial minorities.

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