Proportional Voting Around the World
Around the world, a variety of voting systems are used - from single member districts to choice voting to party list systems (and everything in between) - the nations within our global community display a staggering array of voting systems. In spite of this, one thing is clear -- the modern trend is toward using proportional voting systems, as most industrialized nations and all of the newly emerging democracies in the former Eastern Bloc have done, as well as in Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of the lingering winner-take-all, first-past-the-post systems exist in former British colonies, including in the United States. Ironically, even as we maintain our own unrepresentative electoral system in America, the United Kingdom is beginning vigorous discussions to move away from the very winner-take-all system it brought to our shores many years ago. In light of these global developments, FairVote monitors news coverage of international electoral systems changes.
  • For information on international electoral systems, please download IDEA's manual. [.pdf - 3.2 MB]
  • For examples of international ballot designs, please visit Andrew Reynold's site. [More]
  • For information on redistricting procedures around the world, please visit EPIC's site. [More]
  • Read our analysis of international elections using proportional voting in 2005. [More]

December 17th 2003
Government confirms changes to DHB elections

December 12th 2003
3 judges decline to block remap plan
Houston Chronicle

AUSTIN -- A three-judge federal panel Thursday declined to block a Republican-crafted congressional redistricting map and began a trial to determine the legality of the new districts.

December 12th 2003
DeLay's involvement in Texas redistricting: pure partisan politics
Austin American-Statesman

Editorial claiming that Texas redistricting represents an illegal partisan gerrymander.

December 11th 2003
Texas redistricting challenge goes to court today; Texans in poll split on special sessions, opposed to remap fight
Dallas Morning News

Report on polls of Texans reactions to special sessions and redistricting.

December 10th 2003
Poll: Electors yet to be won over by the merits of MMP
The National Business Review

December 10th 2003
New Komeito tactics alarm LDP
Daily Yomiuri

December 8th 2003
Pro-Kremlin Party Sweeps Russia Elections
The Guardian

December 8th 2003
Background: Russian election primer

December 1st 2003
Colo. remap ruling may not impact Texas
United International Press

The Colorado Supreme Court's decision to toss out the state's new congressional redistricting plan may not impact the Texas remap fight headed for court next week because of a difference in their constitutions.

December 1st 2003
MMP electoral system is working well

December 1st 2003
Texas Redistricting Subpoenas Rejected
Associated Press

A three-judge federal panel on Monday rejected attempts to force House Majority Leader Tom DeLay and Rep. Joe Barton to testify in a lawsuit over Texas' new congressional districts.

November 29th 2003
Hard-liners victorious in Northern Ireland election
New Zealand Herald

BELFAST - Hard-liners on both sides of Northern Ireland's sectarian divide have beaten moderates in province-wide elections, dealing a blow to Anglo-Irish hopes of saving the power-sharing assembly set up under a 1998 peace deal.

November 27th 2003
NI: making sense of the maths
BBC News

November 26th 2003
Koma calls for proportional representation

November 24th 2003
McGuinty likes citizens assembly initiative, B.C. premier says
Toronto Star

November 21st 2003
Go to Court for redress - Papa Owusu-Ankomah

November 7th 2003
Redistricting Lands in the Feds' Hands
Austin Chronicle

Report on Voting Rights Act challenges to Texas redistricting.

November 4th 2003
Officials moving fast on remap legal fight
Dallas Morning News

MARSHALL, Texas -- Redistricting lawyers and judges revved their engines Monday for a high-speed trial next month, aiming to decide by Christmas the legality of a Republican overhaul of the state's congressional districts.

November 1st 2003
Q&A: the Northern Ireland elections
The Guardian

October 30th 2003
Bloomberg's Bad Idea
The Nation

The Nation magazine advocates a return to full representation for the New York City council in an editorial opposing nonpartisan elections.

October 29th 2003
Democrats to meet with Justice over remapping

Texas Democrats will meet with Justice Department officials over the next three days to make their case that the state's new congressional redistricting map diminishes minority representation and should not be approved under the Voting Rights Act.

October 19th 2003
FTC Alerts Chaebol Again Over Corporate Governance System
Korea Times

October 16th 2003
Redistricting has history of shake-ups
Austin American-Statesman

Account of effect of redistricting on incumbency in past Texas elections.

October 15th 2003
Perry savors GOP's redistricting victory
Houston Chronicle

GOP governor's reaction to Texas redistricting victory.

October 15th 2003
Mexican-American rights group files redistricting suit
Austin American-Statesman

The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund has jumped into the court fight over the newly enacted Republican congressional redistricting map.

October 15th 2003
Mayoral election vote system prompts fears of confusion
This Is Local London

October 11th 2003
GOP-drawn map aims to reshape national parties
Austin American-Statesman

A congressional redistricting map is approved by the Texas House.

October 10th 2003
Final map passes; legal battles on the way
Austin American-Statesman

Texas redistricting plan passes the State Senate.

October 9th 2003
Re: "Thomson may run for Senate," 9/30/03.
Davis Enterprise

Letter to the editor advocating full representation

October 9th 2003
Travis caught in remap crossfire

Article on impact of redistricting on incumbents in Central Texas

October 2nd 2003
Is House changing the rules on maps?
Austin American-Statesman

Report on Texas redistricting plans.

September 5th 2003
Analysis: Texas remap feud may harm state
United Press International

Article suggesting that the Texas redistricting battle will harm the state by making it harder for the parties to work together in the legislature.

August 23rd 2003
Ruling Party Wins Cambodian Election
Voice of America News

August 18th 2003
Resolve sustains remap standoff Democratic senators, GOP officials failed to judge opposition's grit
Dallas Morning News

Article on stalemate between Republicans and Democrats in Texas about redistricting plans.

August 11th 2003
Texas Democrats Solicit Bush's Help in Redistricting Dispute White House Says It's Staying Out of Fight
Washington Post

The White House refuses to intervene in Texas redistricting dispute.

August 11th 2003
Texas duel highlights separation of powers
Christian Science Monitor

Lawsuits are filed in the Texas redistricting standoff.

August 9th 2003
Texas Redistricting Proposal Protested
Associated Press

Thousands gathered Saturday to rally against a Republican push to redraw state congressional lines and in favor of the Democratic state senators who fled to New Mexico to scuttle the effort.

August 9th 2003
Lost decade of politics
The Asahi Shimbun

August 8th 2003
Iraq�s governing council: foul or fair?
The Daily Star, Lebanon

August 7th 2003
Ideas to save our withering democracy
Sydney Morning Herald

August 1st 2003
Away with these tribes
The Guardian

August 1st 2003
Away with these tribes: Only a complete change in how we elect our leaders will put the trust, and excitement, back into politics
The Guardian

Article analyzes the British government had it been adopted proportional representation.

August 1st 2003
Howard's Senate plans
PM, Australia

July 31st 2003
Officials Confirm Hun Sen Party's Leads
World - AP Asia

July 30th 2003
Letter: Modernizing Elections
New York Times

FairVote's Steven Hill promotes proportional voting and instant runoff voting in the New York Times.

July 28th 2003
An old favorite

July 28th 2003
Perpetual rule, opposition party splits frustrating, says MISA director
Daily News, Botswana

July 26th 2003
Will third time be remap charm?
The Dallas Morning News

Analysis of possible outcomes to remapping battle in Texas.

July 25th 2003
BCP revels in progress
Mmegi, Botswana

July 25th 2003
Jaitley: Religious quotas dangerous
The Hindu

July 24th 2003
Koosaletse criticises govt pact with Koosaletse criticises govt pact with
Republic of Botswana, Botswana Republic of Botswana, Botswana

July 23rd 2003
Congressional map that bolsters GOP in Texas clears big hurdle
Houston Chronicle

A state Senate committee today approved, on a party-line vote, a congressional redistricting map that would increase Republican representation from Texas in the U.S. House.

July 22nd 2003
Lebanon still in thrall to the sectarian mindset
Monday Morning, Lebanon

July 22nd 2003
Parliamentary reforms: Laws for lawmakers are the crying need
The Daily Star

July 22nd 2003
Parliamentary reforms: Laws for lawmakers are the crying need
The Daily Star, Bangladesh

July 21st 2003
With what political compass...

July 20th 2003
Redistricting, like it or not
Stephenville Empire Tribune (TX)

It appears that the Congressman Tom DeLay, Governor Rick Perry, and Lt. Governor David Dewhurst are determined to force redistricting on the state of Texas, regardless of public support or not.

July 19th 2003
Simitis Aims for Electoral Reform
ERT, Athens

July 19th 2003
Fijian verdict welcomed
Reuters Wire

July 18th 2003
Let�s have one constituency for European polls
Irish Examiner

July 17th 2003
Assembly rejects poll changes
The Western Mail

July 16th 2003
Constitution Reform booklet launched
Nassau Guardian, Bahamas

July 16th 2003
One Nation leader in fraud case
The Guardian

July 15th 2003
Sinn Fein in plea over Senate elections

July 15th 2003
A clash before elections

July 11th 2003
Liberals want to change the way Quebec votes
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

July 9th 2003
Alternatives to Redistricting (Transcript)
Texas Cable News

FairVote's Rob Richie is invited on Texas Cable News to discuss the problem of redistricting in Texas.

July 8th 2003
Advantage, incumbents: Winner-take-all races make democracy the loser
Washington Post

FairVote's Rob Richie is qouted on the various flaws in a winner take all system.

July 7th 2003
Reform: Follini, we agree with premiership
Agenzia Giornalistica Italia

July 7th 2003
Hain opposed to new Assembly powers
PA News

July 7th 2003
Mexico's voters deal Fox setback, deny him a majority in Congress
Republic Mexico City Bureau

July 7th 2003
A gender-equal society
Korea Herald

July 7th 2003
Corsicans say No to more home rule
The Guardian

July 7th 2003
A government of, for and by the people?

If the system of proportional representation was put in place we could rid our democracy of the problems of unfair representation, negative campaigns, and campaigns that focus more on funds than voters.

July 3rd 2003
The Unjust Society
Elm Street Magazine

July 2nd 2003
Bulgaria's Electoral Code Passed at First Reading, the Bulgarian News

July 1st 2003
Drawing the Line On Redistricting
Washington Post

Steven Hill and Rob Richie write that creating multi-member districts is the best way to curb the abuses of gerrymandering for congressional seats.

July 1st 2003
Hendrik Hertzberg on Democracy
New Yorker

A collection of qoutes from FairVote board member Hendrik Hertzberg, highlighting instant runoff voting and proportional representation.

June 29th 2003
Re-redistricting is an ugly power grab
Fort Worth Star-Telegram

FairVote Co Founders Rob Richie and Steven Hill discuss the tragedy of Texas redistricting and how legislators can no longer be allowed to rig elections.

June 22nd 2003
Women Demand Quota, Police Arrest Them
People's Democracy Vol. XXVII No. 25

June 19th 2003
Debate starting on amendments to Electoral Act
The Namibian

June 18th 2003
Campaigning north of the border
Associated Press

June 17th 2003
English regions can vote to copy Scotland
The Herald

June 16th 2003
Regional government around the world

June 2nd 2003
For years I opposed proportional representation. But now we need it.
The Guardian

Former challenger to proportional representation, Labour Party member Roy Hattersley now supports its positive outcomes, such as political minority representation.

June 1st 2003
McConnell: 50% of councillors must be women

May 29th 2003
Maoist emerges to claim Nepal
The Guardian

May 29th 2003
Matters of proportion
Christian Science Monitor

The winner take all system is an outlier in world democracies and must be remedied through a proportional voting system.

May 28th 2003
Defections And Proportional Representation
Oherlad (India)

May 25th 2003
New Zealand debates whether to scrap exclusive Maori Parliamentary seats
Australian Broadcasting Company

May 22nd 2003
Dr. Johan Galtung suggests for revision of constitution
People's Review, Nepal

May 22nd 2003
Coalition Government Likely Outcome of May 25 Parliament Elections in Armenia

May 9th 2003
Key Win for Full Representation
The Midwest Democracy Center Report

HB 138 passed the Illinois Senate, leaving it up to the governor to decide whether counties may grant cumulative voting rights in multi-member districts.

May 8th 2003
The State of Democracy in California
Steven Hill's Written Testimony Before the California HAVA Commission

FairVote's Steven Hill provided this testimony to Califronia's commission on implementing the Help America Vote Act.

April 24th 2003
First-past-the-post voting system produces 4th phony majority government in a row
Fair Vote Canada

Press release from FairVote Canada on Quebec elections

April 14th 2003
'Choice Voting' gives students representation, reason to vote
Oregon Daily Emerald

John Russell advocates choice voting for student governments to counteract the voter apathy so apparent among young people.

April 5th 2003
Save Our Democracy: A Call to Action
Common Dreams

Fairvote's Rob Richie and Steven Hill make a call for a stronger and more representative democracy in wake of America's failing social indicators and poor international agenda.

April 1st 2003
The Blame Game: the real problem behind the 2000 election
Boston Review

Commentary depicting the chain of failures in American democracy; the 2000 election debacle in Florida spotlighted.

April 1st 2003
Is proportional representation really on the agenda?
CBC News Online

March 25th 2003
South Dakota school system settles election lawsuit
Associated Press

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