Proportional Voting Around the World
Around the world, a variety of voting systems are used - from single member districts to choice voting to party list systems (and everything in between) - the nations within our global community display a staggering array of voting systems. In spite of this, one thing is clear -- the modern trend is toward using proportional voting systems, as most industrialized nations and all of the newly emerging democracies in the former Eastern Bloc have done, as well as in Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of the lingering winner-take-all, first-past-the-post systems exist in former British colonies, including in the United States. Ironically, even as we maintain our own unrepresentative electoral system in America, the United Kingdom is beginning vigorous discussions to move away from the very winner-take-all system it brought to our shores many years ago. In light of these global developments, FairVote monitors news coverage of international electoral systems changes.
  • For information on international electoral systems, please download IDEA's manual. [.pdf - 3.2 MB]
  • For examples of international ballot designs, please visit Andrew Reynold's site. [More]
  • For information on redistricting procedures around the world, please visit EPIC's site. [More]
  • Read our analysis of international elections using proportional voting in 2005. [More]

June 1st 2004
A choice deal:
Santa Monica Daily Press

Article on a study released in May 2004 by Santa Monica Ranked Choice Voting on lessons to be learned from the high "undervote" -- meaning voters not using all available votes on their ballot -- in recent city council races. The group suggests ranked

June 1st 2004
Local Voters Fail to Exercise Choices, Study Finds
Santa Monica News

Article on undervotes in Santa Monica elections.

June 1st 2004
Eight is enough
Phillipine Daily Inquirer

June 1st 2004
Study Shows SM Residents "Undervoting"
Santa Monica Mirror

Article on report into Santa Monica Undervotes

June 1st 2004
Electoral Reform:
CBC News Online

An analysis of why Canada is exploring adopting a choice voting system for their national elections. The article also highlights how this new system would work, as well as its impacts on various provinces in Canada.

May 31st 2004
Tripartite opposition pact launches manifesto
The Daily News Online (Botswana)

May 27th 2004
Opposition wary as Chen implies desire to quash legislature reform
Taiwan News

May 26th 2004
Even this fractious coalition can do a lot

May 25th 2004
Why the rapid rise of UKIP will spread alarm among the big three
The Telegraph

May 25th 2004
Polling begins: 78 candidates in race for 3 seats
The Nation (Papua New Guinea)

May 24th 2004
Parliamentary elections underway in South Ossetia

May 24th 2004
Malawi's new president sworn in amid clashes between opposition and security forces
Voice of Africa (Johannesburg)

May 24th 2004
Voter satisfaction dropping, poll says
The Globe and Mail (Canada)

May 23rd 2004
Kamloops slated for citizens' assembly
This Week (BC, Canada)

May 22nd 2004
Revisiting redistricting
The Washington Post

America does not need to be tied down to the single member district system; FairVote's Rob Richie is quoted on the possibility of having three member super districts.

May 22nd 2004
More than tokens
Toronto Star

May 21st 2004
Nightmare challenge for voters
The Scotsman

May 20th 2004
Euro vote to be done by post
Hucknall Today

May 18th 2004
Lowdown on local government
The Star (South Africa)

May 18th 2004
Tanzania aims for 100 female MPs by 2005
The East African

May 17th 2004
A Better Way to Vote
Legal Times

FairVote's Rob Richie and Fairvote Chair John B. Anderson discuss alternatives to gerrymandering and winner take all elections

May 15th 2004
MMP's a management problem
The New Zealand Herald

May 12th 2004
Ways of getting together:
The Telegraph (Calcutta)

Opinion piece calls for PR for India

May 11th 2004
Assembly Bill 911 would make winners out of more voters

Proportional Representation best represents the winners and the losers in an election. By analyzing recent elections in Wisconsin this point is demonstrated all too well.

May 11th 2004
Bunge for proportional representation
IPP Media (Tanzania)

May 4th 2004
Winner Takes All

FairVote's Steven Hill and Rob Richie argue that until voters fight against redistricting, the problem will continue to exist.

April 24th 2004
Europe leaves the US behind

FairVote's Steven Hill highlights the advances Europe has made with its election systems and how the US continues to lag in this realm.

April 21st 2004
More women clinching top posts
The Star (South Africa)

The South African government has made significant strides towards reaching its target of having 30 percent of its senior posts filled by women.

April 18th 2004
For the sake of democracy, opposition to the ANC must come from the left
Business Report

Analysis of political dynamics in South Africa under a proportional voting system.

April 17th 2004
ANC takes KZN as final votes are tallied
The Mail and Guardian

Summary of 2004 South African election results.

April 16th 2004
Uri Party won 152; GNP won 121
The Dong-A Ilbo (Korea)

April 15th 2004
Despite hassles, election was free and fair
Pretoria News

South Africa's third democratic elections have been described as free, fair and peaceful by foreign observers.

April 15th 2004
South African voters stick with ANC, polls say
Washington Post

Polling station lines snaked across the landscape as South Africans chose the ANC as the nation's top party again.

April 1st 2004
Women Break into African Politics
Africa Recovery

March 31st 2004
"Make this the last unfair election"
Fair Vote Canada

March 31st 2004
Despite deep woes, democracy instills hope
Washington Post

March 31st 2004
ERS Jubilant at Richard Commission Backing for STV
Electoral Reform Society Press Release

Press Release from the Electoral Reform Society (UK) on proposal to use Choice Voting (also called STV) for Welsh Assembly elections.

March 29th 2004
Disabled female activist tops Uri proportional seats
The Korea Herald

March 24th 2004
In memoriam: Wilma rule (1925-2004)
Working for Change

Commentary from FairVote's Rob Richie and Steven Hill calls for changes to boost women's representation.

March 16th 2004
Hain backs reform of vote system

March 15th 2004
Democrats should lead on electoral reform
Working for Change

FairVote's Steven Hill and Rob Richie look at the flaws in the democratic primary process and the best methods to fix them.

March 11th 2004
A voting system that could change UP's face
The India Times

March 8th 2004
Scale of Conservatives' triumph stuns Greece
Financial Times (EU)

March 7th 2004
Heated congressional contests take center stage in primaries

Article on Texas primaries in the wake of mid decade redistricting.

March 4th 2004
Go beyond electoral reform
Jerusalem Post

March 4th 2004
Electoral body seeks changes to poll rules
The Nation (Nairobi)

March 3rd 2004
Electoral system blamed for fewer female politicians
Canadian Broadcasting Company, New Brunswick

February 29th 2004
Hain backs alternative vote for Commons

February 27th 2004
U.C. Davis California Aggie

Junior independent candidate Donald Cohen-Cutler demanded a recount before the ASUCD Senate election results were even announced on Thursday, but stopped protesting after hearing them.

February 17th 2004
Jack Layton: bringing energy and new hope
Rabble News

February 17th 2004
Odd path to equality
Korea Herald

February 14th 2004
Sri Lanka's electoral system: Bogey or asset?
Daily Mirror

February 11th 2004
How we Scots vote should be up to us
The Scotsman

February 9th 2004
Darling speeds up electoral reform plan
The Herald

February 9th 2004
For Chandrika, ordering snap polls was an agonising decision
Hindustan Times

February 8th 2004
Canadian Briefs -- Nova Scotia Premier supports electing senators for vacant positions
The Miami Herald

February 7th 2004
Reforms: Mazella proposing new format for ruling parties
Agenzia Giornalistica Italia

February 5th 2004
Should Single-Member Districting Be Held Unconstitutional?

Law professor argues that it's time for full representation.

February 4th 2004
Boundary changes
The Scotsman

February 4th 2004
Your Platform: Must the Winner Always Take All?

February 2nd 2004
Panel to recommend proportional voting
The Globe and Mail

February 1st 2004
McConnell urged to change rules for PR voting
The Scotsman on Sunday

February 1st 2004
Minority parties react to Electoral Reform Report
The Sunday Observer

January 28th 2004
Executive Advised to Make PR Vote Plans Fairer
The Scotsman

January 27th 2004
Panel passes election revision bills, but far from reaching compromise on other changes
The Korea Herald

January 27th 2004
New Trend for General Election - Women Rule Over
The Dong-A Ilbo

January 26th 2004
Opinion: A guide to the 2004 elections
The Jakarta Post

January 26th 2004
Let Assembly make laws, says minister
The Daily Post

January 24th 2004
Select Committee on Electoral Reforms recommends:
Daily News

January 23rd 2004
Redistricting in Texas Disadvantages Minorities
Howard University Hilltop

Editorial claiming Texas mid decade partisan redistricting is bad for communities of color.

January 22nd 2004
President and Premier reach agreement
Daily Mirror

January 22nd 2004
Pro-democracy vs pro-China in Legco polls
The Straits Times

January 20th 2004
How Tough is the QLD Question?

January 20th 2004
A place for 'judicial positivism'
The Japan Times

January 20th 2004
Electoral System Change 'Could Stop Extremist Parties'
The Scotsman

January 17th 2004
What the proposals involve
Scunthorpe Telegraph

January 17th 2004
Supreme Court rejects Democrats' appeal of new district boundaries
San Antonio Express-News

A record number of Texas Republicans filed for Congress by Friday's deadline, which came hours after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an emergency appeal by Democrats seeking to prevent the state from using new district boundaries.

January 17th 2004
All-party consensus needed to increase parliament seats
The Daily Star

January 16th 2004
Balance vote disparity
Asahi Shimbun

January 15th 2004
Lethoso: Focus on Challenges to Multiparty Democracy

January 15th 2004
Upper House electoral system upheld Supreme Court also rules vote disparity in 2001 race was constitutional
Japan Times

January 14th 2004
Insecurity Threatens Newly-Won Women's Rights
IPS News

January 13th 2004
Labour MPs in talks on Holyrood poll plans
The Herald

January 11th 2004
Electoral Reform Panel Back in Action
Korea Times

January 8th 2004
Constituency Boundary revisions favour

January 7th 2004
Change needed in the way Texas redraws districts
Austin American-Statesman

Editorial calling for non-partisan redistricting in Texas.

January 7th 2004
Foulkes wants bigger role for PR at Holyrood
The Herald

January 7th 2004
Peace beneficial, says majority
Sri Lanka Daily News

January 6th 2004
Redistricting Plan Approved in Texas
New York Times

A federal court approves a mid decade partisan redistricting plan in Texas that would reduce minority voting strength.

January 6th 2004
Badruddoza says: �I resigned to avert constitutional crisis�
The New Nation

January 6th 2004
Judges approve dilution of minority voting strength
Houston Chronicle

Editorial calling for nonpartisan redistricting in Texas.

January 2nd 2004
PR would have saved the PCs
The Globe and Mail

January 1st 2004
More ideas for California
Sacramento Bee

The newspaper of California's state capital comes out in favor of electing state legislators by full representation.

January 1st 2004
The Fair Elections Movement in the United States: What is has done and why it is needed

December 29th 2003
Hopes for Electoral Reform Dashed
Korea Times

December 24th 2003
Ukraine to amend its Constitution
The Russia Journal

December 23rd 2003
Texas Redistricting Before Federal Panel
Associated Press

December 22nd 2003
Reform panel to finalize plans today
Korea Herald

December 18th 2003
Roh sends Assembly political reform plan
Korea Herald

December 17th 2003
Frost aide dispatched to Texas
The Hill

Report into Texas mid decade redistricting.

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